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Investigating Cybercrime at the United Nations

Ian Brown ( Senior Research Fellow, Oxford Internet Institute )

Over the last two years, the United Nations' Office on Drugs and Crime has been conducting a study on preventing and combating cybercrime, using extensive interviews and detailed questionnaires completed by 69 states and a number of non-governmental organisations. Dr Brown was part of the team producing the final report, which was published in February 2013. In this talk he'll describe the key findings, which cover:

  • The impact of fragmentation at international level and diversity of national cybercrime laws on international co-operation;
  • Formal international co-operation in criminal matters involving cybercrime and electronic evidence for all crimes;
  • The role of evidence 'location';
  • Harmonisation of national legal frameworks;
  • Law enforcement and criminal justice capacity;
  • Cybercrime prevention activities.

Speaker bio

Dr Ian Brown is associate director of Oxford University's Cyber Security Centre and a Senior Research Fellow at the Oxford Internet Institute. His research is focused on Internet regulation, particularly related to security, privacy and copyright; and on information security and privacy-enhancing technologies. He is an ACM Distinguished Scientist and a Fellow of the British Computer Society.



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