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Computing on Encrypted Data

Professor Nigel Smart ( University of Bristol )

In the last couple of years amazing advances have been made on techniques to perform computation on encrypted data. Some of the techniques are even becoming practical. In this talk I will show a novel technique which utilizes techniques used in Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) schemes to provide efficiency improvements in Multi-Party Computation (MPC) protocols. No prior knowledge of FHE or MPC will be assumed.

Speaker bio

Prof. Nigel Smart is a leading world expert in cryptography. He currently serves Vice-President of the IACR and has in the past been both Programme and General Chair of Eurocrypt.

Before joining the University he worked at Hewlett-Packard's European research laboratory; which is also located in Bristol.Prof. Smart has contributed to cryptography in many areas including elliptic curves, pairing based cryptography, protocol design and analysis (particularly key agreement), and more recent in multi-party computation and fully homomorphic encryption.

He is the holder of an ERC Advanced Grant (2011-2016) and was the holder of a Royal Society Wolfson Merit Award (2008-2013). Prof. Smart has regular contacts with industry, and has consulted for a number of companies. He was also one of the founders of Identum, a spin-out in the area of encryption from the University, which has since been bought by Trend Micro.



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