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Sir Tony Hoare named as International Federation for Information Processing Fellow


Emeritus Professor Sir Tony Hoare has been recognised by International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) as part of its first cohort of fellows. The new members played very significant roles in driving innovation, conducting research and industry development. The global ICT professional body recognised the contributions of 18 high achieving members from across the globe, these included Sir Tony Hoare, known for his work developing Hoare logic for verifying program correctness, the formal language communicating sequential processes (CSP) to specify the interactions of concurrent processes, and for being the inspiration for the programming language occam.

Other members nominated to the IFIP first cohort of fellows included Erol Gelenbe (UK), Lothar Thiele (Switzerland), Grzegorz Rozenberg (Netherlands), Joelle Coutaz (France), Bertrand Meyer (France), Wil van der Aalst (Netherlands), Fabio Paterno (Italy), John Mylopoulos (Canada), Gene Tsudik (USA), Roman Slowinski (Poland), Leslie G. Valiant (British), Jan Gulliksen (Sweden), Frank Tip (USA), Gerhard Goos (Germany), Andreas Zeller (Germany), Michael S. Franz (Switzerland) and Julio Abascal (Spain).