Strong Oxford showing at LICS 2021
Posted: 19th April 2021
Nine papers co-authored by Oxford Computer Scientists have been accepted to ACM/IEEE LICS 2021, 36th Annual Symposium on Logic in Computer Science, 29 June - 2 July 2021 (online).
LICS is the premier international forum covering Track B of theoretical Computer Science.
The papers are:
- PTAS for Sparse General-Valued CSPs – BalCizs F. Mezei, Marcin Wrochna and Stanislav Živný.
- Responsibility and verification: Importance value in temporal logics – Corto Mascle, Christel Baier, Florian Funke, Simon Jantsch and Stefan Kiefer.
- Universal Skolem Sets – Florian Luca, Joel Ouaknine and James Worrell.
- Supermartingales, Ranking Functions and Probabilistic Lambda Calculus – Andrew Kenyon-Roberts and Luke Ong.
- Compositional Semantics for Probabilistic Programs with Exact Conditioning – Dario Stein and Sam Staton.
- Verifying higher-order concurrency with data automata – Alex Dixon, Ranko Lazic, Andrzej Murawski and Igor Walukiewicz.
- Initial limit Datalog: a new extensible class of decidable constrained Horn clauses – Toby Cathcart Burn, Luke Ong, Steven Ramsay and Dominik Wagner.
- Compositional relational reasoning via operational game semantics – Guilhem Jaber and Andrzej Murawski.
- Comonadic semantics for guarded fragments – Samson Abramsky and Daniel Marsden.