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Casper-Privacy: An Enhanced Casper Compiler for the Analysis of Privacy Properties

Casper-Privacy is an enhanced version of the Casper tool. The original Casper tool was developed by Gavin Lowe. In addition to the analysis of security properties, this enhanced tool can also analyse the privacy properties of undetectability and unlinkability. This is experimental research software and should only be used under the same terms of use as the original Casper tool. The design and implementation of this tool are described in the following technical report:

Technical Report: casper-privacy-report.pdf

SHA256: f2e964004d761c010fca22e473610e00aac45a5f809a3785939da344f3702901

Prototype Software

The Casper-Privacy software is available for download and experimentation as a zipped archive. At present, this software is only available for Linux platforms.

Software download:

SHA256: f4f8768d3fee26b4ed1248c9e63e3c109d098fda9221b0a49f470f0ec5115e1c

Smart Grid Protocols

We have proposed a privacy-enhancing communication architecture for the smart energy grid. This unified architecture incorporates the three main information flows in the smart grid, namely: monitoring, billing and bi-directional demand response communication. This architecture is described in detail in the technical report "Privacy-Enhanced Bi-Directional Communication in the Smart Grid using Trusted Computing". As explained in this report, we have used the Casper-Privacy tool to analyse the communication protocols in our architecture. The input scripts used in this analysis are also available for download below:

Technical report: tre-smart-grid-report.pdf

SHA256: ec3037991bcb6b63274254ccfbfbc128d34f02b6ec6623ba5ac40ef5ed5f8cd6

Input scripts:


Other Protocols

In addition to the above smart grid protocols, we have modelled and analysed a number of other protocols using this enhanced tool. These models are also available for download and experimentation as a zipped archive:

Input scripts:

SHA256: cca9ce4edf833f0493b81423b0317088db00f1326895426d0e17f71cacf62883

Further Information

For any further information, please contact: Andrew Paverd