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Lazy Bit-vector Solving and Witnessing Compiler Transformations

Liana Hadarean ( New York University )
The Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) problem is a generalization of the Boolean satisfiability problem to first-order logic. SMT solvers are now at the forefront of automated reasoning and they are increasingly used in a number of diverse applications. In this talk I will first present a new decision procedure for the theory of fixed-width bit-vectors, and then describe an application of SMT techniques to verifying compiler transformations.

Most SMT solvers decide bit-vector constraints via eager reduction to propositional logic after first applying powerful word-level rewrite techniques. While often efficient in practice, this method does not scale on problems for which top-level rewrites cannot reduce the problem size sufficiently. We present a lazy solver that targets such problems by maintaining the word-level structure during search. This approach also enables efficient combination with the theory of arrays using variants of the Nelson-Oppen combination procedure.

The combination of the array and bit-vector theories offers a natural way of encoding the semantics of compiler intermediate representation languages. We show how to integrate an SMT solver with a compiler to build a “self-certifying” compiler: a compiler that generates a verifiable justification for its own correctness on every run. Our compiler produces as justification a refinement relation between the source and target programs of every optimization step. This “witness” relation is produced by an auxiliary witness generator, and is untrusted: its correctness is checked by an external SMT solver. Our implementation is based on the LLVM compiler: we have written generators for a number of intra-procedural optimizations. Preliminary results suggest the overhead of witness generation and checking make this approach practical.

Speaker bio

Liana Hadarean is currently a PhD student at New York University, advised by professor Clark Barrett. Her main area of research is in the field of Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) and applications. She is particularly interested in the theory of fixed-witdh bit-vectors. She is one of the developers of the CVC4 SMT solver.



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