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Building accurate computer models with cardiac and pulmonary images

Professor Vicente Grau ( The Institute of Biomedical Engineering, Department of Engineering Science )

Image use continues to increase in both biomedical sciences and clinical practice. State of the art acquisition techniques allow characterisation from subcellular to whole organ scale, providing quantitative information of structure and function. In the heart, for example, images acquired from a single modality (cardiac MRI) can characterise micro- and macrostructure, describe mechanical function and measure blood flow. In the lungs, new contrast agents can be used to visualise the flow of gas in free breathing subjects. This provides rich new sources of information as well as new challenges to extract data in a way that is useful to clinicians as well as computer modellers.

I will describe efforts in my group to use the latest advances in machine learning to analyse images, and explain how we are applying these to the development of accurate computer models of the heart.



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