From IoT to Ephemeral Computing: Understanding Cyber-Physical Interactions for Monitoring and Control
- 14:00 22nd January 2019 ( week 2, Hilary Term 2019 )Lecture Theatre B
Networks of sensor devices are being embedded into the world around us, however to
ensure their continuous operation requires new network protocols, data analytics and a
strong understanding of how the physical world impacts on the cyber world. This short talk
will introduce the work of the Julie McCann and Adaptive Embedded/Emergent Systems
Engineering group showing what the future of such systems will look like and how this will
bring about a world of Ephemeral Computing.
Speaker bio
Julie McCann is Professor of Computer Systems at Imperial College London and Strategic Leader for the 'Resilient and robust infrastructure' Grand Challenge of the Turing's programme in Data-centric Engineering.She has been mainly researching and publishing work that centres on highly decentralised algorithms, protocols, cross-layered solutions to wireless sensor networks. Here, there is a particular focus on low-powered sensing nodes with some work on hybrid and hierarchical topologies. She also has some interests in Ubiquitous and Mobile computing (Internet of Things, if you will), specifically in context awareness, as well as Autonomic Computing. She leads Adaptive Emergent Systems Engineering (AESE) group, is Imperial PI for the Intel Collaborative Research Institute on Sustainable Connected Cities and is Co-PI on both the NEC Smart Water and Cisco Future Cities projects.
Her past, in computer performance, dynamic operating systems, database machines and text retrieval systems, has informed this work. For her earlier research in text retrieval, she was co-awarded Emerald Literati Network “Highly Commended”. All her projects are interdisciplinary, applied to the arts or engineering and mainly funded by EPSRC/NERC/TSB national programmes, collaborating with; RCA; The University of the Arts; Interactive Institute Stockholm etc.; as well as many other industrial partnerships such as with Sun Microsystems, Thames and Severn-Trent Water, BT, Arup Engineering and BBC to name but a few. She has also been a consultant for TV and Film on occasion.