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Analysis and implementation of formal models for Sensor and Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

Lucia Gallina ( DAIS, University Ca' Foscari of Venice )

Connectivity, Interference and Energy conservations, are key aspects in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETS). I propose a Probabilistic Energy -aware calculus for the analysis of both such aspects of MANETS. This calculus is a probabilistic process algebra, in the style of CCS, capturing essential characteristics of Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, including the ability of nodes to broadcast a message to any other node within its physical transmission range, and to move in and out of the transmission range of other nodes in the network. Probability distributions are used to described the mobility of nodes. The semantic is inspired to Segala’s probabilistic automata, driven by schedulers to resolve the non-deterministic choices among the probability distributions over target states. A probabilistic observational congruence has been defined together with a bisimulation-based proof technique. Finally two different preorders has been defined in order to verify whether two networks exhibit the same observable probabilistic behavior in terms of connectivity, but with dfferent performances in terms of energy conservation or Interference.

Speaker bio

I was born in November 1984 in Venice.

I received the bachelor (summa cum laude) and master degrees (summa cum laude) in Computer Science from the Ca' Foscari University of Venice respectively in 2006 and 2009. My bachelor thesis consisted of an analysis of an algorithm for the sequentialisation of DNA (Bioinformatic), whereas my master thesis was about a Process algebra for the analysis of Mobile Ad Hoc Networks.

Since January 2010, I am a PhD student in Computer Science at Ca' Foscari University of Venice. My main research interests are about the study and implementation of formal models for the analysis of Mobile Ad hoc networks and Sensor networks. In particular my research project is about the Power-Aware analysis of Mobile Ad hoc networks.



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