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Semi-automatic installation support for Ontology-Based Data Access systems (OBDA).


Evgeny Kharlamov

Suitable for

MSc in Computer Science


OBDA is a prominent approach for an easy, end-users oriented, access to collections of databases. The approach relies on the Semantic Web technologies and its key idea is to use an ontology to mediate between the user and databases. The ontology provides a semantic abstractions from the technical details of databases. It is connected to the databases by means of so-called mappings. This student’s project aims at development and implementation of novel techniques to (i) extract ontologies from relational metadata (ii) extract mappings to existing ontologies. The implemented techniques would be tested on different databases. The student’s project will be conducted within a large scale Optique project (www.optique-projects-page) that aims at development of a system for end-users access to industrial Big Data in Statoil and Siemens.

Preferable knowledge: Java, Databases, Semantic Web technologies.