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Translating OWL Ontologies into Rules


Suitable for

MSc in Computer Science
Computer Science, Part C


"Background: Many reasoning tasks for expressive ontology languages such as OWL 2 DL can be reduced to or approximated by rule-based reasoning in formalisms such as OWL 2 RL, Datalog, or Disjunctive Datalog. A key step of any such reduction is a structural transformation of the original ontology into a set of rules in the target formalism that are in a certain sense equivalent to the ontology. The goal of the project is to implement an algorithm for transforming OWL 2 DL ontologies into rules that can then serve as input to Datalog and OWL 2 RL reasoners, as well as ASP solvers. 

Prereaquisites: * Good programming skills in Java *

                         The following courses are relevant for this project: - Logic and Proof - Knowledge Representation and Reasoning "