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Exploration of a Better Semantic Representation for Multimodal Information


Suitable for

MSc in Advanced Computer Science


1. Introduction
Interaction between different modality information means the representations interacting with each other come from dif-
ferent domain, such as text/voice and image/video), which is a very promising research area, as it can enable many poten-
tial real-world applications, for example, generating an image from a given text can help non-artists easily create visually
appealing images and enable many new visual effects not possible before by simply using natural language descriptions;
manipulating an original image using a given text can allow users to edit the image in order to satisfy their preference; and
object detection and image captioning techniques can help disabled people to better understand the surroundings.
There exist many different research directions involving the interaction between different-domain information, includ-
ing visual interpreting methods like (1) object / scene classification [26, 8, 18], (2) object detection [7, 10, 16], (3) image
captioning [5, 20], and (4) visual question answering [2, 3, 1, 22], which aim at transferring visual data, such as videos
or images, into abstract representations, such as texts, and also including visual synthesis like (1) text-to-image genera-
tion [17, 21, 24, 25, 15, 23, 19, 27], or with the help of scene graphs [4, 11] and semantic layouts (e.g., bounding boxes and
segmentation masks) [9, 12], where scene graphs and layouts contain semantic information of desired objects to ease the
whole generation process, and (2) image manipulation using natural language descriptions [6, 14, 13].
In this project proposal, we aim to explore a better semantic representation of multimodal information, such as knowledge
graphs, as current approaches ignore the internal semantic relations within each information, and simply feed the original
information into a network and hope that the network is able to capture these semantic relations. However, if we can first
convert the given source information from different domains into the same semantic representation, and then we are able to
easily interact (e.g., combine or filter) this information to achieve a better interaction between them.

2. Approach
This project mainly focuses on the exploration of a better common semantic representation for multimodal information,
which may involve the investigation of different semantic data structures, like knowledge and scene graphs. Then, we
apply the proposed new representation into different downstream tasks (such as text-to-image generation, visual question
answering, etc.) to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method.

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