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Modeless Structure Editing


Suitable for

MSc in Advanced Computer Science
Mathematics and Computer Science, Part C
Computer Science and Philosophy, Part C
Computer Science, Part C
Computer Science, Part B


Oege de Moor and I wrote a paper called [Modeless Structure Editing]( for Tony Hoare's retirement symposium. What we had in mind was a family of modeless editors whose underlying model of the document being edited is akin to its *abstract syntax tree*. It's clear what this means if the document represents, for example, a program in a programming language or a proof in a proof calculus; but we conjecture that structured prose documents will (to some extent) be amenable to this approach.

The first phase of this project will construct (in Scala) a prototype structure editing toolkit implementing the model explained in this paper. Subsequent phases will provide one or two case studies in its use.