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Automated Synthesis of Norms in Multi-Agent Systems


Suitable for

MSc in Advanced Computer Science
Mathematics and Computer Science, Part C
Computer Science and Philosophy, Part C
Computer Science, Part C


Norms have been widely proposed to coordinate and regulate multi-agent systems (MAS) behaviour. In this project we want to consider the problem of synthesising and revising the set of norms in a normative MAS to satisfy a design objective expressed in logic. We focus on dynamic norms, that is, that allow and disallow agent actions depending on the history so far. In other words, the norm places different constraints on the agents' behaviour depending on its own state and the state of the underlying MAS.

Having taken the Foundation of Self-Programming and Computer-Aided Formal Verification is not required but will be of help. Under suitable assumptions, devise and implement norm synthesis techniques against given logical specifications.

Reactive Synthesis, Game-Theoretic Techniques, Temporal Logics, ATL, ATL*, Strategy Logics, Reasoning about Actions, Planning, Model Checking of Multi-Agent Systems

Natasha Alechina, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Brian Logan, Giuseppe Perelli: Automatic Synthesis of Dynamic Norms for Multi-Agent Systems. KR 2022 (and reference there in)