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Applying social network analysis in hard disk based digital investigations: An Autopsy plugin


Harjinder Lallie

Suitable for

Computer Science, Part B


Connections between entities in a forensic case can be analysed using social networking theory such as degree centrality, betweenness centrality, closeness centrality, and EigenCentrality. This is a novel way of analysing forensic cases, and can reveal better and more intelligent insights into a case than traditional methods. Although social network analysis has been applied in numerous other fields, there is little research performed within digital investigations of artefacts seized from a crime scene. In this project, you will write a Netbeans/Java based tool which analyses email communications in a forensics case. Using the emails, you will develop social networking graphs at helping forensic investigators identify key persons in a case.

Project preparation: If you are considering adopting this project, you should spend some time learning Netbeans IDE, learning how to compile Autopsy Forensic Browser, and strengthening your Java skills.

References: Freeman, L., 2004. The development of social network analysis. A Study in the Sociology of Science, 1(687), pp.159-167. Scott, J., 2012. What is social network analysis? (p. 114). Bloomsbury Academic.