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Extending AI-Generated Steganography to Generative Diffusion Models


Suitable for

MSc in Advanced Computer Science
Mathematics and Computer Science, Part C
Computer Science and Philosophy, Part C
Computer Science, Part C
Computer Science, Part B


Steganography is the practice of encoding a plaintext message into another piece of content, called a stegotext, in such a way that an adversary would not realise that hidden communication is occurring. In a recent breakthrough [1,2,3], we showed that messages can be encoded into the output distribution of arbitrary autoregressive neural networks with perfect security [4], i.e. without changing the output distribution, hence rendering the hiding of secret messages information-theoretically undetectable. In this project, we extend perfectly secure steganography to generative AI-models that are not explicitly representable as discrete autoregressive distributions, such as e.g. diffusion models. Such an extension would allow for applying information-theoretic steganography to high-resolution images, potentially resulting in novel tools for investigative journalism and watermarking.

This project is designed to lead to publication. We are looking for a highly-motivated student.



