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Marina Jirotka

Personal photo - Marina Jirotka

Professor Marina Jirotka BSc MA DPhil MBCS MACM CITP

Professor of Human Centred Computing

Governing Body Fellow, St Cross College

T: 01865 270550

39a St Giles, Oxford, OX1 3LW



Throughout my career I have been concerned with bringing a richer comprehension of socially organised work practices and interaction into the process of engineering technological systems. My expertise involves producing user and community requirements and human computer interaction, particularly for collaborative systems.

My recent work in Responsible Innovation in the UK and the European Union concentrates on:

  • leading an interdisciplinary team of researchers, building a creative and robust community to discuss and develop culturally nuanced approaches to responsibility and responsible innovation as director of the one of a kind Responsible Technology Institute
  • co-designing a digital framework and toolbox to promote responsible and sustainable innovation practices and engaging with industry, policy and professional bodies to disseminate findings
  • developing an ‘Ethical Black Box (similar to those in aircrafts) for use in social robots to aid incident investigations
  • digital risk on adolescent mental health and how responsible innovation can be used in the development of preventative and personalised digital interventions
  • promoting responsible innovation approach in developing autonomous systems
  • the theoretical and conceptual underpinnings of new forms of governance for RI; new methods for the dissemination of materials and innovative ways of engaging the public in debates on RI in ICT
  • unpacking the practices and concepts of innovation of digital systems in the context of professional organisations
  • developing new and enhancing existing methods for RI practice for digital system developers




As Professor of Human Centred Computing in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Oxford I lead interdisciplinary research that combines both social and computer science approaches to the design of technology – we research methods and approaches for building and evaluating technology responsibly in ways that may enhance individual autonomy, wellbeing and promote and protect human values.

I am the Director of the newly established Responsible Technology Institute, an international and interdisciplinary hub for responsible innovation focusing on a range of ICT areas including robotics, AI and the digital economy. I hold an EPSRC Established Career Fellowship called RoboTIPS (Developing Responsible Robots for the Digital Economy) funding a five-year investigation into the development of an ‘Ethical Black Box’, whereby robots using AI are fitted with a type of inflight recorder to aid in post-accident investigations. I am also Co-I on RAILS (Responsible AI for Long-term Trustworthy Autonomous Systems), bringing expertise in responsible innovation and socio-technical systems; I co-lead on PARIS-DE (Design Principles and Responsible Innovation for a Sustainable Digital Economy) co-designing digitals tool for sustainable and responsible innovation; and the MRC-funded Adolescent Mental Health and Development in the Digital World.

I am also the co-director of ORBIT, a leading provider of RRI (Responsible Research and Innovation) training across academia and industry.

My recently concluded projects include a range of topics in RI: trust in algorithms, responsible AV data, responsible social media, trusted digital economy.



2004: Elected Governing Body Fellow of St Cross College

2006: James Martin Research Fellow, seconded to the Oxford eResearch Centre.

2006: Associate Director of the Oxford e-Research Centre

2006: Associate Researcher of the Oxford Internet Institute

2007: ESRC/SSRC Visiting Fellowship to UCLA, and PARC to develop a systematic understanding of data sharing to inform design of e-Research systems.

2009: Deputy Director of ESRC's National Strategic Directorate of the eSocial Science Programme.

2011: Chartered IT Professional of the BCS sitting on the ICT Ethics Specialist Group committee

2018: Elected to UK Computing Research Community

2018: EPSRC Established Career Fellowship

2018: Board Member of the Society for Computers and Law

Member of the EPSRC’s Programme Advisory Board for the Digital Economy

Invited to sit on EPSRC ICT Strategic Advisory Team

I sit on the Steering Committee for the All Party Parliamentary Group on Data Analytics

I was specialist advisor to the House of Lords Select Committee on Communications for their inquiry into Children and the Internet.


Expert opinion

As part of the Digital Wildfire project I have given evidence to the House of Lords Select Committee on Artificial Intelligence and also the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Artificial Intelligence

I was an Expert Witness to assist the Open Innovation meets Big Data consortium (Nissan, GE, Airbus, Ordnance Survey, Ferroviale ++) who are working together to generate new revenues from data

I am a working group member of the IEEE P7000 standard Model Process for Addressing Ethical Concerns During System Design

I am a member of the Steering Committee for the Society for Computers and Law

I am a member of the UK Committee for IIASA (International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis)


Fellowships and Awards

2006: Excellence in Teaching Award from Oxford University that recognizes and rewards excellence in college and university teaching, the organisation of teaching, and the support of student learning.

2007: ESRC/SSRC Fellowship Award to visit UCLA's Department of Information Studies and PARC.

2011: UCLA Center for European and Eurasian Studies Scholar Award.

2019: EPSRC Established Career Fellowship. RoboTIPS: Developing Responsible Robots for the Digital Economy.

2020: Vice Chancellor’s Innovation Awards Highly Commended Policy Engagement 2020 ‘Putting Out Digital Wildfires Before They Take Hold.



See also

Selected Publications

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Completed Projects

Current Students


Carolyn Ten Holter
Research Fellow

Past Students

Deena Alghamdi
Peter Darch
Ross Gales
Anthony Masih
David Mellor
Fernando Muradas
Kevin Patel
Simon Smith
Anna Zawilska

Past Researchers

Steven Albury
Research Assistant
Grace Eden
Barbara Grimpe
Mark Hartswood
Chris Hinds
Research Assistant
Lewis Hyland
Philip Inglesant
Daniel Omeiza
Menisha Patel
Pericle Salvini
Ewan  Soubutts