Matthew Hague
Matthew Hague
I am responsible for the PDSolver tool.
I am interested in Games, Automata and Logics and their applications in verification and synthesis. I completed my thesis in 2009 on Saturation Methods for Global Model-Checking Pushdown Systems. This contains results for reachability/model-checking over higher-order pushdown systems and parity games for order-1 pushdown systems.
I am currently continuing theoretical and practical research into pushdown systems, implementations of model checking tools, and various other aspects of infinite state systems.
As an undergraduate my key interests were logics, and my final year project was an implementation of a decision procedure for the Static Ambient Logic and a related translation between Separation Logic and First Order Logic. My project supervisor was Prof. Philippa Gardner.
I completed my DPhil studying formal software verification under the supervison of Prof. Luke Ong and was a student a St. John's College. I am currently employed as a research assistant.
As an undergraduate I studied an MEng in Computing at Imperial College London.
I helped with the organisation of CSL 2005 and BCTCS 2007.
See also
Selected Publications
Synchronisation− and Reversal−Bounded Analysis of Multithreaded Programs with Counters
Matthew Hague and Anthony Widjaja Lin
In Computer Aided Verification (CAV), 2012.
Details about Synchronisation− and Reversal−Bounded Analysis of Multithreaded Programs with Counters | BibTeX data for Synchronisation− and Reversal−Bounded Analysis of Multithreaded Programs with Counters | Download (pdf) of Synchronisation− and Reversal−Bounded Analysis of Multithreaded Programs with Counters
Parameterised Pushdown Systems with Non−Atomic Writes
M. Hague
In FSTTCS. 2011.
To appear.
Details about Parameterised Pushdown Systems with Non−Atomic Writes | BibTeX data for Parameterised Pushdown Systems with Non−Atomic Writes | Download (pdf) of Parameterised Pushdown Systems with Non−Atomic Writes
Model Checking Recursive Programs with Numeric Data Types
Matthew Hague and Anthony Widjaja Lin
In Computer Aided Verification (CAV). 2011.
Prototypical implementation: [tgz] [txz].
Details about Model Checking Recursive Programs with Numeric Data Types | BibTeX data for Model Checking Recursive Programs with Numeric Data Types | Download (pdf) of Model Checking Recursive Programs with Numeric Data Types