Gernot Plank

Gernot Plank
Selected Publications
Modeling Cardiac Defibrillation
G. Plank Trayanova N.A.
In J. Zipes D. Jalife, editor, Cardiac Electrophysiology: From Cell to Bedside. 2009.
Details about Modeling Cardiac Defibrillation | BibTeX data for Modeling Cardiac Defibrillation | Link to Modeling Cardiac Defibrillation
Bidomain Model of Defibrillation
G. Plank Trayanova N.A.
In P.J. Tchou Efimov I.R. M.W. Kroll, editor, Cardiac Bioelectric Therapy.. Pages 85−110. 2009.
Details about Bidomain Model of Defibrillation | BibTeX data for Bidomain Model of Defibrillation | Link to Bidomain Model of Defibrillation
Near−real−time simulations of biolelectric activity in small mammalian hearts using graphical processing units.
Plank G. Vigmond EJ Boyle PM Leon L
Details about Near−real−time simulations of biolelectric activity in small mammalian hearts using graphical processing units. | BibTeX data for Near−real−time simulations of biolelectric activity in small mammalian hearts using graphical processing units.