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Ismail Ilkan Ceylan

Personal photo - Ismail Ilkan Ceylan

Ismail Ilkan Ceylan

Departmental Lecturer

E: ismail.ceylan at

Wolfson Building, Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3QD


My research interests are broadly in AI & machine learning with a particular focus on graph machine learning, which includes a class of challenging problems that can be naturally characterized using relational structures. The goal is to more efficiently and reliably learn from relational patterns and reason over them. This is a highly interactive field, where techniques from machine learning (e.g., deep learning, graph representation learning, probabilistic methods), knowledge representation (e.g., logical reasoning), and theoretical computer science (complexity theory, graph theory) are relevant. These methods are applied in a wide range of domains, ranging from systems in life-sciences (e.g., physical, chemical, and biological systems) to social networks.

Note: If you are interested in applying for a DPhil, it might be helpful to have a brief look at my graph representation learning course


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Current Students

Past Students

Ralph Abboud
Tommaso Salvatori
Andrius Vaicenavičius