Justyna Petke
Selected Publications
Local consistency and SAT−solvers
Peter Jeavons and Justyna Petke
In Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR). Vol. 43. Pages 329−351. 2012.
Details about Local consistency and SAT−solvers | BibTeX data for Local consistency and SAT−solvers | DOI (doi:10.1613/jair.3531)
The order encoding: from tractable CSP to tractable SAT (extended abstract)
Justyna Petke and Peter Jeavons
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing − SAT 2011. Vol. 6695 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Pages 371−372. Springer. 2011.
Details about The order encoding: from tractable CSP to tractable SAT (extended abstract) | BibTeX data for The order encoding: from tractable CSP to tractable SAT (extended abstract) | DOI (10.1007/978-3-642-21581-0_34)
The order encoding: from tractable CSP to tractable SAT
Justyna Petke and Peter Jeavons
No. RR−11−04. DCS‚ University of Oxford. 2011.
Details about The order encoding: from tractable CSP to tractable SAT | BibTeX data for The order encoding: from tractable CSP to tractable SAT | Download (pdf) of The order encoding: from tractable CSP to tractable SAT