Aleksandra Jovanovic : Publications
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@techreport{RR-15-04, title = "Symbolic Minimum Expected Time Controller Synthesis for Probabilistic Timed Automata", author = "Aleksandra Jovanovic and Marta Kwiatkowska and Gethin Norman", year = "2015", institution = "DCS", number = "RR-15-04", pages = "20", }
@article{J14, title = "Integer Parameter Synthesis for Real-time Systems", author = "Jovanovi\'{c}, A. and Lime, D. and Roux, O. H.", year = "2014", journal = "IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE)", note = "To appear.", publisher = "IEEE", }
@inproceedings{JK14, title = "Parameter Synthesis for Probabilistic Timed Automata Using Stochastic Game Abstractions", author = "Jovanovi\'{c}, A. and Kwiatkowska, M.", year = "2014", booktitle = "RP 2014", publisher = "Springer", series = "LNCS", }
@techreport{RR-14-06, title = "Parameter Synthesis for Probabilistic Timed Automata Using Stochastic Game Abstractions", author = "Aleksandra Jovanovic and Marta Kwiatkowska", year = "2014", institution = "DCS", number = "RR-14-06", pages = "22", }
@inproceedings{jovanovic-ATVA-13, title = "Synthesis of Bounded Integer Parameters for Parametric Timed Reachability Games", author = "Jovanovi\'{c}, A. and Lime, D. and Roux, O. H.", year = "2013", booktitle = "ATVA 2013", pages = "87-101", publisher = "Springer", series = "LNCS", volume = "8172", }
@inproceedings{j-TACAS-13, title = "Integer Parameter Synthesis for Timed Automata", author = "Jovanovi\'{c}, A. and Lime, D. and Roux, O. H.", year = "2013", booktitle = "TACAS 2013", pages = "401--415", publisher = "Springer", series = "LNCS", volume = "7795", }
@inproceedings{BHJL-rp13, title = "Parametric Interrupt Timed Automata", author = "B{\'e}rard, B. and Haddad, S. and Jovanovi\'{c}, A. and Lime, D.", year = "2013", booktitle = "RP 2013", pages = "59-69", publisher = "Springer", series = "LNCS", volume = "8169", }