Radu Calinescu

Dr Radu Calinescu
Leaving date: 18th March 2013Interests
My main research interests are in- automated, model- and metadata-driven software engineering
- formal specification, modelling and verification
- high-performance computing
- self-* systems and systems of systems
- complex, context-dependent and adaptive IT systems
- health informatics
Building on industrial research experience I gained in my previous job as the Technical Architect of an Oxford University spin-out software company, I developed a general-purpose framework for the model- and metamodel-driven development of autonomic computing solutions. The vision and theoretical foundations underpinning this framework are described in Springer's 2009 volume on Autonomic Computing and Networking, and its implementation details are presented in a research paper that won a Best Paper Award at the 4th International Conference on Autonomic and Autonomous Systems.
I am a Lecturer in Computer Science at Aston University; and a part-time Lecturer on the Software Engineering Programme at the University of Oxford.
Prior to joining Aston University in October 2009, I was a Senior Research Officer on UK's Large-Scale Complex IT Systems research and training initiative (January 2008 - September 2009); a Research Officer on UK's CancerGrid research initiative (July 2005 - December 2007); and the Technical Architect/Senior Development Manager of Sychron Ltd, an Oxford software company specialising in the development of policy-driven data-centre management solutions (1999-2005).
My University of Oxford DPhil thesis on Autonomic-Independent Loop Parallelisation received a British Computer Society Distinguished Dissertation Award, and is available as a Springer-Verlag book.
Cloud Computing for Large-Scale Complex IT Systems
other activities
program committee memberships
- PC Co-Chair - 15th IEEE International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems (ICECCS 2010)
- PC Co-Chair - 16th Monterey Workshop (Monterey 2010)
- PC Member - 2nd International Conference on Adaptive and Self-adaptive Systems and Applications (ADAPTIVE 2010)
- PC Member - 2nd International Conference on Future Computational Technologies and Applications (FUTURE COMPUTING 2010)
- PC Member - Trustworthy Self-Organising Systems Workshop 2010
- PC Member - First International workshop on Quantitative Stochastic Models in the Verification and Design of Software Systems (Quovadis 2010)
- PC Member - Model-based development, Components and Services (MOCS) track at the 36th EUROMICRO Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA 2010)
- PC Member - 6th International Conference on Autonomic and Autonomous Systems (ICAS 2010)
- PC Co-Chair - 5th International Conference on Autonomic and Autonomous Systems (ICAS 2009)
- PC Member - 24th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, Special Track on Wireless Sensor Networks (SAC 2009)
- Advisory Committee Co-Chair - 1st International Conference on Future Computational Technologies and Applications (FUTURE COMPUTING 2009)
- Advisory Committee Co-Chair - 1st International Conference on Adaptive and Self-Adaptive Systems and Applications (ADAPTIVE 2009)
- PC Member - Communicating Process Architectures 2008 (CPA 2008)
editorial boards
- International Journal on Advances in Intelligent Systems
- Formal and Practical Aspects of Autonomic Computing and Networking
recent invited presentations
- Microsoft Research Mysore-Park Series Workshop on "Building and Programming the Cloud" (January 2010)
- GI-Dagstuhl Seminar on "Model-Driven Quality Prediction" (December 2009)
- Laboratoire d'Algorithmique, Complexité et Logique, Université Paris-12 (March 2009, slides)
- HP Labs, Bristol (February 2009, slides)
- TNO (Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research) (December 2008)
professional memberships
- Senior Member of the IEEE
- Member of the IEEE Computer Society
Selected Publications
Form Follows Function: Model−Driven Engineering for Clinical Trials
Jim Davies‚ Jeremy Gibbons‚ Radu Calinescu‚ Charles Crichton‚ Steve Harris and Andrew Tsui
In International Symposium on Foundations of Health Information Engineering and Systems. Vol. 7151 of LNCS. Pages 21−38. Springer. August, 2011.
Details about Form Follows Function: Model−Driven Engineering for Clinical Trials | BibTeX data for Form Follows Function: Model−Driven Engineering for Clinical Trials | DOI (10.1007/978-3-642-32355-3_2) | Download (pdf) of Form Follows Function: Model−Driven Engineering for Clinical Trials
Runtime Adaptor Synthesis for Autonomic Systems of Systems
Radu Calinescu
In Radu Calinescu. Vol. 2. No. 1. 2010.
To appear
Details about Runtime Adaptor Synthesis for Autonomic Systems of Systems | BibTeX data for Runtime Adaptor Synthesis for Autonomic Systems of Systems
Establishing a Framework for Dynamic Risk Management in Intelligent Aero−Engine Control
Zeshan Kurd‚ Tim Kelly‚ John McDermid‚ Radu Calinescu and Marta Kwiatkowska
In Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computer Safety‚ Reliability and Security (SAFECOMP'09). Pages 154−161. Hamburg‚ Germany. September, 2009. Springer.
To appear
Details about Establishing a Framework for Dynamic Risk Management in Intelligent Aero−Engine Control | BibTeX data for Establishing a Framework for Dynamic Risk Management in Intelligent Aero−Engine Control