Sonja Kraiczy

Sonja Kraiczy
Wolfson Building, Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3QD
Selected Publications
Properties of the Mallows Model Depending on the Number of Alternatives: A Warning for an Experimentalist
Niclas Boehmer‚ Piotr Faliszewski and Sonja Kraiczy
In Andreas Krause‚ Emma Brunskill‚ Kyunghyun Cho‚ Barbara Engelhardt‚ Sivan Sabato and Jonathan Scarlett, editors, Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Machine Learning. Vol. 202 of Proceedings of Machine Learning Research. Pages 2689–2711. PMLR. 2023.
Details about Properties of the Mallows Model Depending on the Number of Alternatives: A Warning for an Experimentalist | BibTeX data for Properties of the Mallows Model Depending on the Number of Alternatives: A Warning for an Experimentalist | Link to Properties of the Mallows Model Depending on the Number of Alternatives: A Warning for an Experimentalist
Exact Learning of Preference Structure: Single−peaked Preferences and Beyond
Sonja Kraiczy and Edith Elkind
In Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Machine Learning. Vol. 162 of Proceedings of Machine Learning Research. Pages 11598–11612. PMLR. 2022.
Details about Exact Learning of Preference Structure: Single−peaked Preferences and Beyond | BibTeX data for Exact Learning of Preference Structure: Single−peaked Preferences and Beyond | Link to Exact Learning of Preference Structure: Single−peaked Preferences and Beyond