Antonin Delpeuch

See Also:
2021-10-15: I have submitted my thesis so this page will disappear soon, go to my webpage for more up-to-date links.
My work revolves around string diagrams, which are graphical representation of processes.
More specifically, this consists in the following activities:
- Defining new classes of diagrams and proving soundness and completeness with respect to a particular algebraic structure. I have worked on this for bimonoidal categories;
- Studying the word problem for such diagrams. This consists in finding algorithms to determine whether two diagrams represent the same process. Depending on the sort of string diagrams that one considers, this problem can be easy, probably hard or even known to be undecidable. I have worked on this problem for monoidal categories, symmetric monoidal categories, double categories and braided monoidal categories so far;
- Using these diagrams to prove new results, for instance on the free generation of adjoints in a monoidal categories, which has applications in linguistics, or to obtain a syntax for dataflow programs.
In parallel from my theoretical work, I also work on OpenRefine, an open source tool to normalize tabular data. This work is inspired from a categorical model I have developed for it, which makes it possible to rearrange and reason about data transformation workflows.
Other open source projects can be found on my GitHub profile.
- I do not submit papers to closed-access publications. I do not review for these either. Join me by taking the pledge:
- I am concerned by the climate crisis and have signed the Pledge for sustainable research in theoretical computer science. I avoid flying for this reason.
- The word problem for braided monoidal categories is unknot-hard, with Jamie Vicary. Applied Category Theory 2021. arXiv:2105.04237
- Sheet diagrams for bimonoidal categories, with Cole Comfort and Jules Hedges, submitted to Compositionality. arXiv:2010.13361
- A survey of OpenRefine reconciliation services, Fifteenth International Workshop on Ontology Matching (2020). arXiv:1906.08092
- The word problem for double categories, Theory and Applications of Categories, Vol. 35, 2020, No. 1, pp 1-18. arXiv:1907.09927
- A complete language for faceted dataflow programs, Applied Category Theory 2019, DOI: 10.4204/EPTCS.323.1, arXiv:1906.05937
- Autonomization of monoidal categories, Applied Category Theory 2019, DOI: 10.4204/EPTCS.323.3, arXiv:1411.3827
- Normal forms for planar connected string diagrams, with Jamie Vicary. Workshop on Higher Dimensional Rewriting and Applications, FLOC, Oxord, 7 July 2018, arXiv:1804.07832
- Complexity of Grammar Induction for Quantum Types, Proceedings of QPL 2014. Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science. Vol. 172. Pages 236–248. December, 2014. DOI 10.4204/eptcs.172.16, arXiv:1404.3925
- From Natural Language to RDF Graphs with Pregroups, with Anne Preller. In Proceedings of the EACL 2014 Workshop on Type Theory and Natural Language Semantics (TTNLS). Pages 55–62. Gothenburg‚ Sweden. April, 2014. Association for Computational Linguistics. DOI 10.3115/v1/w14-1407
- Scaling OpenRefine with and without Apache Spark, Leipziger Semantic Web Tag, Leipzig, 7 July 2021.
- Revamping OpenRefine: a reproducible data wrangler, FOSDEM'20, Open Research Tools & Technologies track, Brussels, 1 February 2020 (video)
- The reconciliation API: a protocol for online data matching, AKSW Seminar, Leipzig, 10 January 2020
- Unknotting knots in braided monoidal categories, Postgraduate Conference in Category Theory and Its Applications, University of Leicester, 18-19 November 2019
- The word problem for double categories, Theory group seminar, University of Birmingham, 4 October 2019
- Décider l'égalité de diagrammes de cordes (Decidability of equality for string diagrams), Catégories supérieures, polygraphes et homotopie, IRIF, Université Paris 7, 6 April 2018
- Schema alignment for Wikibase in OpenRefine, Harnessing open data for Monitoring and Evaluation workshop, European Research Council Executive Agency, Berlin, 17-19 June 2018
- 29th Computer Science Logic conference, reviewer
- 28th Computer Science Logic conference, reviewer
- 5th Symposium on Compositional Structures and 3rd Workshop on String Diagrams in Computation, Logic and Physics, PC member
- 3rd Symposium on Compositional Structures, PC member and local organizer
- 14th International Workshop on Coalgebraic Methods in Computer Science, reviewer
- 1st Symposium on Compositional Structures, reviewer
I started my DPhil in October 2016, under the supervision of Jamie Vicary.
Before that, I studied at École Normale Supérieure, in Paris. For my masters degree in mathematical logic and foundations of computer science, I took a research placement at the University of Ljubljana where I worked with Alex Simpson on algorithmic randomness and point-free topology.
Selected Publications
The Word Problem for Double Categories
Antonin Delpeuch
In arXiv:1907.09927 [cs‚ math]. July, 2019.
Details about The Word Problem for Double Categories | BibTeX data for The Word Problem for Double Categories
Autonomization of Monoidal Categories
Antonin Delpeuch
In Proceedings of Applied Category Theory 2019. July, 2019.
Details about Autonomization of Monoidal Categories | BibTeX data for Autonomization of Monoidal Categories
A Complete Language for Faceted Dataflow Programs
Antonin Delpeuch
In arXiv:1906.05937 [Cs‚ Math]. Oxford. June, 2019.
Details about A Complete Language for Faceted Dataflow Programs | BibTeX data for A Complete Language for Faceted Dataflow Programs