Ib Holm Sørensen

Dr Ib Holm Sørensen Cand.Scient MA DPhil
- Software Engineering for Safety- and Mission Critical Systems
- Mathematical based methods for system specification, design and implementation
- Z ( 1979-1986)
- Zermola based Set Theoretical Notation for the specification, the designing and the analysis of software system.
- Zermola based Set Theoretical Notation for the specification, the designing and the analysis of software system.
- B ( 1986-1999)
- Bourbaki based approach for the computer aided checking of correctness and consistency of software specified in a set theoretical notation.
- BOOSTER ( 1999 - present )
- The B approach for the use of
- Object Orientation for specifying information by classifying it as objects according to common attributes, and a
- Set Theory based pre-post condition approach for specifying methods for changing the value of the attributes and the relationship between objects, and
- Entity Relationship for specifying the relationship between the classes of objects, and the
- The automatic generation of data repositories and secure web-interfaces for viewing and changing the data.
- The B approach for the use of
- Z ( 1979-1986)
- Requirement specification and analysis , software design verification and code derivation
- Automatic Generation and Evolution of web-based information systems ( e.g the services of this web-site ) from Booster models of requirements.
- Technology transfer
Selected Publications
Formality‚ Evolution‚ and Model−driven Software Engineering
Jim Davies‚ Charles Crichton‚ Edward Crichton‚ David Neilson and Ib Holm Sørensen
In Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science. Vol. 130. Pages 39−55. 2005.
Details about Formality‚ Evolution‚ and Model−driven Software Engineering | BibTeX data for Formality‚ Evolution‚ and Model−driven Software Engineering | DOI (10.1016/j.entcs.2005.03.004)
The use of B to specify‚ design and verify hardware
Wilson Ifill‚ Ib Sorensen and Steve Schneider
Pages 43–62. 2001.
Details about The use of B to specify‚ design and verify hardware | BibTeX data for The use of B to specify‚ design and verify hardware
B: towards zero defect software
Ib Sorensen and David Neilson
Pages 23–42. 2001.
Details about B: towards zero defect software | BibTeX data for B: towards zero defect software