JS Pacaud Lemay
Personal Webpage: https://sites.google.com/view/jspl-personal-webpage/
Email: jean-simon.lemay@kellogg.ox.ac.uk
Office: Computer Science Department, Room 251
I also do some teaching for the Mathematical Institute: https://www.maths.ox.ac.uk/people/jean-simon.lemay
Journal Papers:
- Differential Equations in a Tangent Category I: Complete vector fields, flows, and exponentials. Cockett, R., Cruttwell, G., Lemay, J-S. P. (2021). Applied Categorical Structures. (pdf)
- Exponential Functions for Cartesian Differential Categories. Lemay, J-S. P. (2020). Applied Categorical Structures. (site)(pdf)
- Integral and differential structure on the free C-infinity ring modality. Cruttwell, G., Lemay, J-S. P., Lucyshin-Wright R. (2020). Cahiers de topologie et géométrie différentielle catégoriques (pdf)
- Convenient Antiderivates for Differential Linear Categories. Lemay, J-S. P. (2020). Mathematical Structures in Computer Science. (site)(pdf)
- Differential Categories Revisited. Blute, R., Cockett, R., Lemay, J-S. P., & Seely R.A.G. (2019). Applied Categorical Structures. (site)(pdf)
- Lifting Coalgebra Modalities and MELL Model Structure to Eilenberg-Moore Categories. Lemay, J-S. P. (2019). Logical Methods in Computer Science. (site)(pdf)
- Differential Algebras in Codifferential Categories. Lemay, J-S. P. (2019). Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra. (site) (pdf)
- Linear Distributivity with Negation, Star-Autonomy, and Hopf Monads. Hasegawa, M. & Lemay, J-S. P. (2018) Theory and Applications of Categories. (site)(pdf)
- A Tangent Category Alternative to the Faa di Bruno Construction. Lemay, J-S. P. (2018). Theory and Applications of Categories. (site)(pdf)
- Integral Categories and Calculus Categories. Cockett, R., & Lemay, J-S. P. (2018). Mathematical Structures in Computer Science. (site)(pdf)
- Cartesian Difference Categories. Alvarez-Picallo, M. & Lemay, J-S. P. (2020). (pdf)
- Linearizing Combinators. Cockett, R., Lemay, J-S. P. (2020). (pdf)
- Tensor-Restriction Categories. Heunen, C., Lemay, J-S. P. (2020). (pdf)
- Cartesian Differential Categories as Skew-Enriched categories. Garner, R., Lemay, J-S. P. (2020). (pdf)
Conference Papers:
- Cartesian Difference Categories. Alvarez-Picallo, M. & Lemay, J-S. P. FOSSACS 2020 (pdf)
- Tangent Categories from the Coalgebras of Differential Categories. Cockett, R., Lemay, J-S. P., Lucyshyn-Wright, R. CSL 2020 (pdf)
- Reverse Derivative Categories. Cockett, R., Cruttwell, G., Gallagher, J., Lemay J-S. P., MacAdam B., Plotkin G., & Pronk, D. CSL 2020 (pdf)
- Why FHilb is NOT an interesting (co)differential category. Lemay J-S. P. QPL 2019 (pdf)
- Higher order distributions for differential linear logic. Kerjean M., & Lemay J-S. P. FOSSACS 2019 (pdf)
- Lifting Coalgebra Modalities and IMELL Model Structure to Eilenberg-Moore Categories. Lemay, J-S. P. FSCD 2018 (pdf)
- Cartesian Integral Categories and Contextual Integral Categories. Cockett, R., & Lemay, J-S. P. MFPS 2018 (pdf)
- There is only one notion of differentiation. Cockett, R., & Lemay, J-S. P. FSCD 2017 (pdf)
- Integral Categories and Calculus Categories (Extended Abstract). Cockett, R., & Lemay, J-S. P. CSL 2017 (pdf)
- The Shuffle Quasimonad and Modules with Differentiation and Integration. Bagnol, M., Blute, R., Cockett, R., & Lemay, J-S. P. MFPS 2016 (pdf)
Conference Presentations:
- PPS - PIHOC - DIAPASoN Workshop 2021 (site): An introduction to reverse differential categories. (Invited Talk)
- LMS YaMCATS Category Theory and its Applications Lecture Series (site): The Theory of Differential Categories (4 Lectures)
- YAMCATS 2020 Meeting 22 (site): Characterizing Cofree Cartesian Differential Categories
- CSL 2020 (site): Tangent Categories from the Coalgebras of Differential Categories.
- CSL 2020 (site): Reverse Derivative Categories.
- PGR.CT 2019 (site): Exponential Functions for Cartesian Differential Categories.
- CT 2019 (site): Tangent Categories from the Coalgebras of Differential Categories.
- QPL 2019 (site): Why FHilb is NOT an interesting (co)differential category.
- CMS Summer Meeting 2019 (site): The Poincaré Lemma for Codifferential Categories with Antiderivatives (Invited Talk)
- FMCS 2019 (site): Tutorials on differential categories and Cartesian differential categories (Invited Talk)
- Category Theory Oktoberfest 2018 (site): Why FHilb is NOT an interesting differential category.
- FSCD 2018 (site): Lifting Coalgebra Modalities and IMELL Model Structure to Eilenberg-Moore Categories.
- MFPS 2018 (site): Cartesian Integral Categories and Contextual Integral Categories.
- CMS Summer Meeting 2018 (site): Differential Categories and Representable Tangent Categories. (Invited Talk)
- FMCS 2018 (site): A Tangent Alternative to the Faa Di Bruno Construction.
- ChoCoLa Meeting April 2018 (site): Differential Algebras in Differential Categories. (Invited Talk)
- FSCD 2017 (site): There is only one notion of differentiation.
- CSL 2017 (site): Integral Categories and Calculus Categories.
- CT 2017 (site): Integration for Tangent Categories.
- FMCS 2017 (site): There is only one notion of differentiation.
- Union College Mathematics Conference 2016 (site): Introduction to Tensor Integral Categories.
- CT 2016 (site): Introduction to Cartesian Integral Categories.
- FMCS 2016 (site): Introduction to Monoidal Integral Categories.
Conference Organizations & Commitees:
Local Organizer:
- SYCO 3 (site)(Local Chair)
Progamme Committee:
Research Visits:
- Kyoto University, working with Masahito Hasegawa -- March, April, & May 2020
- Mount Allison University , working with Geoff Cruttwell -- August 2019
- University of Calgary , working with Robin Cockett and Kristine Bauer -- June 2019
- Inria Nantes , working with Marie Kerjean -- May 2019
- University of Edinburgh , working with Robin Cockett and Chris Heunen -- November & December 2018
- IRIF , working with Christine Tasson , Marie Kerjean , Zeinad Galal , and Thomas Ehrhard -- September 2018
- Mount Allison University , working with Geoff Cruttwell and Rory B. B. Lucyshyn-Wright -- May 2018
- IRIF , working with Christine Tasson , Marie Kerjean , Zeinad Galal , and Thomas Ehrhard -- April 2018
- University of Calgary , working with Robin Cockett and Kristine Bauer -- January 2018
- Mount Allison University , working with Geoff Cruttwell and Rory B. B. Lucyshyn-Wright -- June 2017
Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Pure Mathematics
University of Calgary , Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Thesis: Integral and Calculus Categories
Supervisors: Professor Robin Cockett and Professor Kristine Bauer
Thesis: Integral and Calculus Categories
Supervisors: Professor Robin Cockett and Professor Kristine Bauer
Honours Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Mathematic
University of Ottawa , Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Supervisors: Professor Richard Blute and Professor Pieter Hofstra
Supervisors: Professor Richard Blute and Professor Pieter Hofstra
University of Oxford, Mathematics Institute:
- Hilary 2021: New College Tutor (for Tsinghua visiting students) for "Categorical Quantum Mechanics"
- Michaelmas 2020: Tutor for "Category Theory", "Categories, Proofs and Processes", "Quantum Processes and Computation"
- Michaelmas 2020: New College Tutor (for Tsinghua visiting students) for "Homological Algebra"
- Hilary 2020: Lecturer for "Categorical Quantum Mechanics"
- Hilary 2019: Tutor for "Set Theory" (x2)
- Hilary 2018: TA for "Introduction to Quantum Information"
- Michaelmas 2018: TA for "Logic"
University of Calgary, Mathematics Department:
- Winter 2017: TA for "Vector Calculus for Eng. & Sci" (x2) and "Calculus III", and Marker for "Analysis"
- Winter 2016: TA for "Linear Methods I" (x2), and Drop-in Sessions for "Discrete Math" and "Linear Algebra I"
- Spring 2016: TA for "Linear Methods I" (x2) and "Linear Methods II"
- Fall 2016: TA for "Linear Methods I" (x2) and "Linear Methods II" (x2), and Drop-in Sessions for "Linear Methods I"
- Fall 2015: TA for "Calculus I" (x2) and "Linear Methods I" (x2), and Drop-in Sessions for "Calculus"
University of Ottawa, Mathematics Department:
- Winter 2015: TA for "Calculus II"