Jun Ho Huh
Jun Ho Huh
Leaving date: 29th May 2010Interests
My interests are in security, trustworthy logging, and distributed systems. The aim of my DPhil is to explore how trusted computing and virtualization can be used to strengthen existing designs for distributed audit and logging. I am also interested in designing security architectures for large-scale distributed systems (based on trusted virtualization) that facilitate trustworthy job execution and data aggregation. More recently, I have become interested in designing and employing usable security for Internet banking services.
I am a doctoral student at the Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford; my supervisor is Dr Andrew Martin. Before coming to Oxford, I completed my Software Engineering/International Business double degree at University of Auckland.
Selected Publications
Managing application whitelists in trusted distributed systems
Jun Ho Huh‚ John Lyle‚ Cornelius Namiluko and Andrew Martin
In Future Generation Computer Systems. Vol. 27(2). Pages 211−226. February, 2011.
Details about Managing application whitelists in trusted distributed systems | BibTeX data for Managing application whitelists in trusted distributed systems | DOI (10.1016/j.future.2010.08.014)
Hybrid spam filtering for mobile communication
Ji Won Yoon‚ Hyoungshick Kim and Jun Ho Huh
In Computers & Security. Vol. 29(4). Pages 446–459. June, 2010.
Details about Hybrid spam filtering for mobile communication | BibTeX data for Hybrid spam filtering for mobile communication | DOI (10.1016/j.cose.2009.11.003)
On the Security of Internet Banking in South Korea
Hyoungshick Kim‚ Jun Ho Huh and Ross Anderson
No. RR−10−01. March, 2010.
Details about On the Security of Internet Banking in South Korea | BibTeX data for On the Security of Internet Banking in South Korea | Download (pdf) of On the Security of Internet Banking in South Korea