Nadeschda Nikitina

Dr Nadeschda Nikitina
My research interests include description logics, knowledge representation, ontologies, automated reasoning, optimisation of reasoning-based systems and automated ontology-based text annotation. Currently, the focus of my research is rewriting of knowledge bases.
Prospective Doctoral Students
We are always looking for outstanding D.Phil. (PhD) students interested in the area of knowledge representation and Semantic Web. Students may propose a specific research topic, or may ask me for topics in my area of interest before formally applying. The department is currently advertising a number of full and partial doctoral scholarships. There are numerous sources of funding available at Oxford. More information on applying to the Oxford D.Phil. program for Computer Science is available here.
Selected Publications
(Non−)Succinctness of Uniform Interpolants of General Terminologies in the Description Logic EL
Nadeschda Nikitina and Sebastian Rudolph
In Artificial Intelligence. Vol. 215. No. 0. Pages 120 − 140. 2014.
Details about (Non−)Succinctness of Uniform Interpolants of General Terminologies in the Description Logic EL | BibTeX data for (Non−)Succinctness of Uniform Interpolants of General Terminologies in the Description Logic EL | DOI ( | Link to (Non−)Succinctness of Uniform Interpolants of General Terminologies in the Description Logic EL
Semano: Semantic Annotation Framework for Natural Language Resources
Nadeschda Nikitina
In Proceedings of the 13th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2014). 2014.
To Appear.
Details about Semano: Semantic Annotation Framework for Natural Language Resources | BibTeX data for Semano: Semantic Annotation Framework for Natural Language Resources
Simplifying Description Logic Ontologies
Nadeschda Nikitina and Sven Schewe
In Proceedings of the 12th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2013). Pages 411–426. 2013.
Details about Simplifying Description Logic Ontologies | BibTeX data for Simplifying Description Logic Ontologies