Gernot Plank : Publications
3−dimensional models of individual cardiac histo−anatomy: tools and challenges
P. Kohl Burton A.B.R. G. Plank J. Schneider V. Grau H. Ahammer S.L. Keeling J.L. Lee N. Smith N.A. Trayanova
Details about 3−dimensional models of individual cardiac histo−anatomy: tools and challenges | BibTeX data for 3−dimensional models of individual cardiac histo−anatomy: tools and challenges
A Hilbert−order multiplication scheme for unstructured sparse matrices
G. Plank Haase G. M. Liebmann
Details about A Hilbert−order multiplication scheme for unstructured sparse matrices | BibTeX data for A Hilbert−order multiplication scheme for unstructured sparse matrices
A finite element formulation for atrial tissue monolayer.
G. Fischer Wieser L. H. RIchter B. Pfeifer G. Plank B. Tilg
Details about A finite element formulation for atrial tissue monolayer. | BibTeX data for A finite element formulation for atrial tissue monolayer.
A new real−time mapping system to detect microscopic cardiac excitation patterns.
G. Plank Mohr G. E. Hofer
Details about A new real−time mapping system to detect microscopic cardiac excitation patterns. | BibTeX data for A new real−time mapping system to detect microscopic cardiac excitation patterns.
A novel floating sensor array to detect electric nearfields of beating heart preparations
G. Plank Hofer E. F. Kepplinger T. THurner T. Wiener
Details about A novel floating sensor array to detect electric nearfields of beating heart preparations | BibTeX data for A novel floating sensor array to detect electric nearfields of beating heart preparations
Algebraic multigrid preconditioner for the cardiac bidomain model
G. Haase. Plank G. M. Liebmann R. Weber dos Santos E.J. Vigmond
Details about Algebraic multigrid preconditioner for the cardiac bidomain model | BibTeX data for Algebraic multigrid preconditioner for the cardiac bidomain model
Arrhythmogenic mechanisms of the Purkinje system during electric shocks: a modeling study
E.J. Vigmond Deo M. P. Boyle G. Plank
In Heart Rhythm‚ ePub ahead of print. 2009.
Details about Arrhythmogenic mechanisms of the Purkinje system during electric shocks: a modeling study | BibTeX data for Arrhythmogenic mechanisms of the Purkinje system during electric shocks: a modeling study
Automatically generated‚ anatomically accurate Meshes for the Cardiac Bidomain Equations.
G. Plank A. Prassl F. Kickinger H. Ahammer E. Hofer J.E. Schneider E.J. Vigmond N.A. Trayanova
In IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. 2009.
Details about Automatically generated‚ anatomically accurate Meshes for the Cardiac Bidomain Equations. | BibTeX data for Automatically generated‚ anatomically accurate Meshes for the Cardiac Bidomain Equations.
Bidomain Model of Defibrillation
G. Plank Trayanova N.A.
In P.J. Tchou Efimov I.R. M.W. Kroll, editor, Cardiac Bioelectric Therapy.. Pages 85−110. 2009.
Details about Bidomain Model of Defibrillation | BibTeX data for Bidomain Model of Defibrillation | Link to Bidomain Model of Defibrillation
Cardiac near−field morphology during conduction around a microscopic obstacle − a computer simulation study
E. Hofer G. Plank E.J. Vigmond L.J. Leon
Details about Cardiac near−field morphology during conduction around a microscopic obstacle − a computer simulation study | BibTeX data for Cardiac near−field morphology during conduction around a microscopic obstacle − a computer simulation study
Comparison between the role of discontinuities in cardiac conduction and in a one−dimensional hardware model
V. Perez−Munuzuri de Castro M. E. Hofer A.P. Munuzuri M. Gomez−Gesteira G. Plank I. Schafferhofer
Details about Comparison between the role of discontinuities in cardiac conduction and in a one−dimensional hardware model | BibTeX data for Comparison between the role of discontinuities in cardiac conduction and in a one−dimensional hardware model
Computational tools for modeling electrical activity in cardiac tissue
L.J. Leon Vigmond E.J. M. Hughes G. Plank
Details about Computational tools for modeling electrical activity in cardiac tissue | BibTeX data for Computational tools for modeling electrical activity in cardiac tissue
Defibrillation depends on conductivity fluctuations and the degree of disorganization in reentry patterns
E.J. Vigmond Plank G. L.J. Leon S. Kimber
Details about Defibrillation depends on conductivity fluctuations and the degree of disorganization in reentry patterns | BibTeX data for Defibrillation depends on conductivity fluctuations and the degree of disorganization in reentry patterns
Development of an anatomically detailed MRI−derived rabbit ventricular model and assessment of its impact on simulations of electrophysiological function.
Kohl P. Bishop MJ Plank G Burton RA Schneider JE Gavaghan DJ Grau V
In Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol.. Vol. 298. No. 2. Pages H699−718. 2009.
Details about Development of an anatomically detailed MRI−derived rabbit ventricular model and assessment of its impact on simulations of electrophysiological function. | BibTeX data for Development of an anatomically detailed MRI−derived rabbit ventricular model and assessment of its impact on simulations of electrophysiological function.
Evaluating Intramural Virtual Electrodes in the Myocardial Wedge Preparation: Simulations of Experimental Conditions
N.A. Trayanoa G. Plank A.J. Prassl E. Hofer
In Biophysical Journal. Vol. 94. Pages 1904−1915. 2008.
Details about Evaluating Intramural Virtual Electrodes in the Myocardial Wedge Preparation: Simulations of Experimental Conditions | BibTeX data for Evaluating Intramural Virtual Electrodes in the Myocardial Wedge Preparation: Simulations of Experimental Conditions
Feedback Control of Resonant Drift in a Bidomain Model.
V.N. Biktashev Morgan S. G. Plank I.V. Biktasheva
In Biophysical Journal. 2009.
Details about Feedback Control of Resonant Drift in a Bidomain Model. | BibTeX data for Feedback Control of Resonant Drift in a Bidomain Model.
From mitochondtrial ionic channels to arrhythmias in the heart: computational techniques to bridge the spatio−temporal scales.
G. Plank J. Greenstein L. Zhou S. Cortassa R. Winslow B. O?Rourke and N. Trayanova.
In Philos Transact A Math Phys Eng Sci.. Vol. 366. Pages 3381−409. 2008.
Details about From mitochondtrial ionic channels to arrhythmias in the heart: computational techniques to bridge the spatio−temporal scales. | BibTeX data for From mitochondtrial ionic channels to arrhythmias in the heart: computational techniques to bridge the spatio−temporal scales.
Generation of histo−anatomically representative models of the individual heart: tools and application
P. Kohl Plank G. R.A.B. Burton P. Hales M. Bishop T. Mansoori M.O. Bernabeu A. Garny A.J. Prassl C. Bollensdorff F. Mason F. Mahmood B. Rodriguez V. Grau J.E. Schneider D. Gavaghan
In Phil. Trans. A. 2009.
Details about Generation of histo−anatomically representative models of the individual heart: tools and application | BibTeX data for Generation of histo−anatomically representative models of the individual heart: tools and application
Generation of histo−anatomically representative models of the individual heart: tools and application.
P. Kohl. Plank G. R.A.B. Burton P. Hales M. Bishop T. Mansoori M. Bernabeu A. Garny A.J. Prassl C. Bollensdorff F. Mason F. Mahmood B. Rodriguez V. Grau J.E. Schneider D. Gavaghan
In Philos Transact A Math Phys Eng Sci.. 2009.
Details about Generation of histo−anatomically representative models of the individual heart: tools and application. | BibTeX data for Generation of histo−anatomically representative models of the individual heart: tools and application.
Image−Based Models of Cardiac Structure with Applications in Arrhythmia and Defibrillation Studies.
N.A. Trayanova Vadakkumpadan F. L.J. Rantner B. Tice P. Boyle A.J. Prassl E.J. Vigmond G. Plank
In J. Electrocardiol.. 2009.
Details about Image−Based Models of Cardiac Structure with Applications in Arrhythmia and Defibrillation Studies. | BibTeX data for Image−Based Models of Cardiac Structure with Applications in Arrhythmia and Defibrillation Studies.
Image−Based models of cardiac structure in health and disease
N.A. Trayanova Vadakkumpadan F. H. Arevalo A.J. Prassl J. Chen F. Kickinger G. Plank
In Systems Biology in Medicine. 2009.
Details about Image−Based models of cardiac structure in health and disease | BibTeX data for Image−Based models of cardiac structure in health and disease
Model study of vector−loop morphology during electrical mapping of microscopic conduction in cardiac tissue.
E. Hofer G. Plank
Details about Model study of vector−loop morphology during electrical mapping of microscopic conduction in cardiac tissue. | BibTeX data for Model study of vector−loop morphology during electrical mapping of microscopic conduction in cardiac tissue.
Modeling Cardiac Defibrillation
G. Plank Trayanova N.A.
In J. Zipes D. Jalife, editor, Cardiac Electrophysiology: From Cell to Bedside. 2009.
Details about Modeling Cardiac Defibrillation | BibTeX data for Modeling Cardiac Defibrillation | Link to Modeling Cardiac Defibrillation
Near−real−time simulations of biolelectric activity in small mammalian hearts using graphical processing units.
Plank G. Vigmond EJ Boyle PM Leon L
Details about Near−real−time simulations of biolelectric activity in small mammalian hearts using graphical processing units. | BibTeX data for Near−real−time simulations of biolelectric activity in small mammalian hearts using graphical processing units.
Numerical solution for optimal control of monodomain equations in cardiac electrophysiology
K. Kunisch Chamakuri N. G. Plank
In Computational Optimization and Applications. 2009.
Details about Numerical solution for optimal control of monodomain equations in cardiac electrophysiology | BibTeX data for Numerical solution for optimal control of monodomain equations in cardiac electrophysiology
Parallel multigrid preconditioner for the cardiac bidomain model
E.J. Vigmond Weber dos Santos R. G. Plank S. Bauer
Details about Parallel multigrid preconditioner for the cardiac bidomain model | BibTeX data for Parallel multigrid preconditioner for the cardiac bidomain model
Preconditioning techniques for the bidomain equations
E.J. Vigmond Weber dos Santos R. G. Plank S. Bauer
Details about Preconditioning techniques for the bidomain equations | BibTeX data for Preconditioning techniques for the bidomain equations
Purkinje−mediated Effects in the Response of Quiescent Ventricles to Defibrillation Shocks.
Vigmond EJ. Boyle PM Deo M Plank G
In Ann Biomed Eng.. Vol. [Epub ahead of print]. 2009.
Details about Purkinje−mediated Effects in the Response of Quiescent Ventricles to Defibrillation Shocks. | BibTeX data for Purkinje−mediated Effects in the Response of Quiescent Ventricles to Defibrillation Shocks.
Reduced order preconditioning for large linear systems.
E.J. vigmond Deo M. G. Plank
In IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. Vol. 54. Pages 938−942. 2007.
Details about Reduced order preconditioning for large linear systems. | BibTeX data for Reduced order preconditioning for large linear systems.
Second order numerical solution for optimal control of monodomain model in cardiac electrophysiology.
G. Plank Chamakuri N. K. Kunisch
Pages 202−211. 2009.
Details about Second order numerical solution for optimal control of monodomain model in cardiac electrophysiology. | BibTeX data for Second order numerical solution for optimal control of monodomain model in cardiac electrophysiology.
Shock energy necessary for successful defibrillation depends on the degree of disorganization of reentrant activation pattern.
L.J. Leon Plank G. E.J. Vigmond
Details about Shock energy necessary for successful defibrillation depends on the degree of disorganization of reentrant activation pattern. | BibTeX data for Shock energy necessary for successful defibrillation depends on the degree of disorganization of reentrant activation pattern.
Solvers for the Cardiac Bidomain Equations.
G. Plank. Vigmond E.J. R. Weber dos Santos S. Bauer A.J. Prassl M. Deo
Details about Solvers for the Cardiac Bidomain Equations. | BibTeX data for Solvers for the Cardiac Bidomain Equations.
Solving the coupled system improves computational efficiency of the bidomain equations
J. Whiteley Southern J. G. Plank E.J. Vigmond
In IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. 2009.
Details about Solving the coupled system improves computational efficiency of the bidomain equations | BibTeX data for Solving the coupled system improves computational efficiency of the bidomain equations
The use of cardiac near−field measurements to determine activation times.
E. Hofer G. Plank
Details about The use of cardiac near−field measurements to determine activation times. | BibTeX data for The use of cardiac near−field measurements to determine activation times.
Towards Predictive Modeling of the Electrophysiology of the Heart
Trayanova NA. Vigmond E Vadakkumpadan F Gurev V Arevalo H Deo M Plank G
In Exp. Physiol.. 2009.
Details about Towards Predictive Modeling of the Electrophysiology of the Heart | BibTeX data for Towards Predictive Modeling of the Electrophysiology of the Heart
What have we learned from mathematical models of defibrillation and postshock arrhythmogenesis? Application of bidomain simulations
B. Rodriguez Trayanova N.A. G. Plank
Details about What have we learned from mathematical models of defibrillation and postshock arrhythmogenesis? Application of bidomain simulations | BibTeX data for What have we learned from mathematical models of defibrillation and postshock arrhythmogenesis? Application of bidomain simulations