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Tim Furche

Personal photo - Tim Furche

Dr Tim J. Furche

Departmental Lecturer
EPSRC Post-Doctoral Research Fellow

Leaving date: 30th June 2021


web extraction, web and object search, and streamed query evaluation, information systems for the web, big data


Tim Furche leads the DIADEM lab at the Oxford University, UK, as senior postdoc. DIADEM is an ERC advanced investigator grant on web data extraction recently awarded to Georg Gottlob. His research interests include data extraction, XML and semi-structured data, in particular query evaluation and optimisation, and advanced Web information systems. He has authored over 50 peer-reviewed scientific publications, some of them cited over 200 times. His main contributions are on XPath optimisation and evaluation, on linear time and space querying of large graphs, and on languages for web data extraction, querying, and search. From 2004-2008 he co-coordinated the working group on Reasoning-aware Querying in the EU Network of Excellence REWERSE at the Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich. Tim has been co-chair of the last two installments of DEOS, co-chair of the VLDS 2012 workshop co-located with VLDB 2012, and has also served as local organizer for the Reasoning Web summer school and RR conference. He has been senior PC member of the AAAI Web Technologies track in 2013 and is a regular PC member and reviewer for international conferences and journals.


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Past Students

Stefano Ortona
Cheng Wang
Julia Wiedmann