Dr. C.-H. L. Ong: Recent Talks

Verifying Finitely-Presentable Infinite Structures: A Game-Semantic Approach. Part 1, Part 2. A lecture course in 34th Spring School in Theoretical Computer Science (EPIT 2006) "Games in Semantics and Verification", Ile de Ré, France, 28th May - 2nd June 2006.   new

Game Semantics and its Algorithmic Applications: 5 Multimedia Lectures. Programme on Logic and Algorithms, Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge, February 2006: Lecture 1 , Lecture 2 , Lecture 3 , Lecture 4 , Lecture 5 .

Infinite trees, higher-order recursion schemes, and game semantics Oxford University Computing Laboratory, December 2005. [pdf]

Verifying Pure Functional Programs Talk at National University of Singapore, January 2005. [pdf]

Pushdown Hierarchies and the Safe Lambda Calculus Invited talk at WoLLiC, July 2004. [pdf]

Game Semantics and its Application (5 lectures). ICCL Summer School 2004 Proof Theory and Automated Theorem Proving and PCC Workshop 2004 Technische Universität Dresden June 14-25, 2004. [pdf]

Game Semantics: from Structures to Algorithmics. Invited talk at Games in Design and Verification, Workshop co-located with CAV 2004, Boston, 18 July 2004. [pdf]