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The Computer Science Graduate Society (CoGS) and Student Representation in the Department and Division


The Computer Science Graduate Society (CoGS) was founded in 2009 with the aim of providing a platform for the academic and social life of post-graduates in the department. We cover both student representation on several departmental and divisional committees as well as organization of a variety of social events. The latter provide an excellent opportunity for MSc students, DPhil students and post docs to mingle and catch up outside their research groups.

The weekly CoGS Coffee runs on Fridays throughout term as an opportunity for students to catch-up with each other an enjoy a sweet treat. Our annual dinner as part of the department's student conference in Trinity term is usually held in one of the colleges and gives a nice finish to a productive day.

Student Representation

The members of the CoGS committee are also student representatives on the Joint Consultative Committee for Graduates (JCCG), which meets once per term. If you have any issues or concerns that you would like to be brought up in a JCCG meeting, please contact any of the people listed below. The CoGS president also attends various other committee meetings in the department as a graduate student representative, and represents the Computer Science department in meetings of MPLS division student reps.

Contact us

We love feedback - please email with comments or event suggestions.

The society is what we make it, so if you want to get involved by organizing social events or representing students at some of the committees drop us a mail!


Benedict Bunting

Mathias Jackermeier