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Training in Teaching

In recognition that many Oxford doctoral students hope to make a career researching and teaching in universities, the University was awarded funding (2005--2010) by Hefce for a C entre of Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL), with a focus on Preparation for Academic Practice. In conjunction with the CETL the Divisions and Departments have developed programmes to provide their graduate students who teach with induction, opportunities for mentored teaching, support, and further training sessions.

The Department run two seminars in week 1 of Michaelmas Term, one on practical demonstrating and one on class teaching. New students are invited to attend these but they are also open to all students and researchers who might want to teach. Information about these with an invitation to register is sent out over the summer vacation.

For students who miss these seminars there are similar courses run by the MPLS Division:

Preparing for Learning and Teaching at Oxford (PLTO) - Lab Demonstrators

Preparing for Learning and Teaching at Oxford (PLTO) - Tutors and Class Assistants