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Andrew Markham : Publications

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  title = "mmPoint: Dense Human Point Cloud Generation from mmWave",
  author = "Qian Xie and Qianyi Deng and Ta-Ying Cheng and Peijun Zhao and Amir Patel and Niki Trigoni and Andrew Markham",
  year = "2023",
  journal = "British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC)",
  title = "Beyond Fusion: Modality Hallucination-based Multispectral Fusion for Pedestrian Detection",
  author = "Qian Xie and Ta-Ying Cheng and Jia-Xing Zhong and Kaichen Zhou and Andrew Markham and Niki Trigoni",
  year = "2023",
  journal = "IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV)",
  title = "Illumination-Aware Hallucination-Based Domain Adaptation for Thermal Pedestrian Detection",
  author = "Qian Xie and Ta-Ying Cheng and Zhuangzhuang Dai and Vu Tran and Niki Trigoni and Andrew Markham",
  year = "2023",
  journal = "IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation",
  title = "PointLoc: Deep Pose Regressor for LiDAR Point Cloud Localization",
  author = "Wei Wang and Bing Wang and Peijun Zhao and Changhao Chen and Ronald Clark and Bo Yang and Andrew Markham and Niki Trigoni",
  year = "2021",
  journal = "IEEE Sensors Journal",
  title = "3D Motion Capture of an Unmodified Drone with Single-Chip Millimeter Wave Radar",
  author = "Z.Peijun, C.X. Lu, B. Wang, N. Trigoni and A. Markham",
  year = "2021",
  booktitle = "IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)",
  journal = "IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)",
  title = "iMag+: An Accurate and Rapidly Deployable Inertial Magneto-Inductive SLAM System",
  author = "B. Wei, N. Trigoni and A. Markham",
  year = "2021",
  booktitle = "IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing",
  journal = "IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing",
  title = "Human tracking and identification through a millimeter wave radar",
  author = "Peijun Zhao and Chris Xiaoxuan Lu and Jianan Wang and Changhao Chen and Wei Wang and Niki Trigoni and Andrew Markham",
  year = "2021",
  booktitle = "Ad Hoc Networks",
  journal = "Ad Hoc Networks Elsevier",
  title = "Learning Semantic Segmentation of Large-Scale Point Clouds with Random Sampling",
  author = "Q. Hu, B. Yang, L. Xie, S. Rosa, Y. Guo, Z. Wang, N.i Trigoni and A. Markham",
  year = "2021",
  booktitle = "IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI)",
  journal = "IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI)",
  title = "RadarLoc: Learning to Relocalize in FMCW Radar",
  author = "Wei Wang, Pedro P. B. de Gusmao, Bo Yang, Andrew Markham, and Niki Trigoni",
  year = "2021",
  journal = "IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)",
  title = "VMLoc: Variational Fusion For Learning-Based Multimodal Camera Localization",
  author = "Kaichen Zhou, Changhao Chen, Bing Wang, Muhamad Risqi U. Saputra, Niki Trigoni, and Andrew Markham",
  year = "2021",
  journal = "AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI)",
  title = "Title: Cut, Distil and Encode (CDE): Split Cloud-Edge Deep Inference",
  author = "M. Sbai, M.R.U. Saputra, N. Trigoni and A. Markham",
  year = "2021",
  booktitle = "IEEE International Conference on Sensing, Communication and Networking (SECON)",
  journal = "IEEE International Conference on Sensing, Communication and Networking (SECON)",
  title = "SoundDet: Polyphonic Sound Event Detection and Localization from Raw Waveform",
  author = "Y. He, N. Trigoni and A. Markham",
  year = "2021",
  booktitle = "International Conference on Machine Learning",
  journal = "International Conference on Machine Learning",
  title = "milliEgo: Single-chip mmWave Radar Aided Egomotion Estimation via Deep Sensor Fusion",
  author = "C. X. Lu, M. R. U. Saputra, P. Zhao, Y. Almalioglu, P. P. B. d. Gusmao, C. Chen, K. Sun, N. Trigoni, and A. Markham",
  year = "2020",
  journal = "ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys)",
  title = "FootSLAM meets Adaptive Thresholding",
  author = "Johan Wahlström and Andrew Markham and Niki Trigoni",
  year = "2020",
  journal = "IEEE Sensors Journal",
  title = "RandLA-Net: Efficient Semantic Segmentation of Large-Scale Point Clouds",
  author = "Hu, Qingyong and Yang, Bo and Xie, Linhai and Rosa, Stefano and Guo, Yulan and Wang, Zhihua and Trigoni, Niki and Markham, Andrew",
  year = "2020",
  journal = "IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition(CVPR Oral)",
  url = "",
  title = "DeepTIO: A Deep Thermal-Inertial Odometry with Visual Hallucination",
  author = "M.R.U. Saputra, P.P.B. de Gusmao, C.X. Lu, Y. Almalioglu, S. Rosa, C. Chen, J. Wahlstrom, W. Wang, A. Markham, and N. Trigoni",
  year = "2020",
  booktitle = "IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RAL) + IEEE ICRA",
  journal = "IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RAL) + IEEE ICRA",
  title = "Deep Learning based Pedestrian Inertial Navigation: Methods, Dataset and On-Device Inference",
  author = "Changhao Chen and Peijun Zhao and Chris Xiaoxuan Lu and Wei Wang and Andrew Markham and Niki Trigoni",
  year = "2020",
  booktitle = "IEEE Internet of Things Journal",
  journal = "IEEE Internet of Things Journal",
  title = "Deep Neural Network Based Inertial Odometry Using Low-cost Inertial Measurement Units",
  author = "Changhao Chen and Chris Xiaoxuan Lu and Johan Wahlstrom and Andrew Markham and Niki Trigoni",
  year = "2020",
  journal = "IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing",
  title = "See Through Smoke: Robust Indoor Mapping with Low-cost mmWave Radar",
  author = "<u>Chris Xiaoxuan Lu</u> and Stefano Rosa and Peijun Zhao and Bing Wang and Changhao Chen and John Stankovic and Niki Trigoni and Andrew Markham",
  year = "2020",
  booktitle = "ACM International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services (MobiSys)",
  journal = "ACM International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services (MobiSys)",
  title = "Heart Rate Sensing with a Robot Mounted mmWave Radar",
  author = "Peijun Zhao and Chris Xiaoxuan Lu and Bing Wang and Changhao Chen and Linhai Xie and Mengyu Wang and Niki Trigoni and Andrew Markham",
  year = "2020",
  booktitle = "International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)",
  journal = "International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)",
  title = "SnapNav: Learning Mapless Visual Navigation with Sparse Directional Guidance and Visual Reference",
  author = "Xie, Linhai and Markham, Andrew and Trigoni, Niki",
  year = "2020",
  booktitle = "Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2020 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on",
  note = "accepted",
  organization = "IEEE",
  title = "Learning with Stochastic Guidance for Robot Navigation",
  author = "Xie, Linhai and Miao, Yishu and Wang, Sen and Blunsom, Phil and Wang, Zhihua and Cheng, Changhao and Markham, Andrew and Trigoni, Niki",
  year = "2020",
  booktitle = "IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (TNNLS)",
  note = "accepted",
  organization = "IEEE",
  title = "AtLoc: Attention Guided Camera Localization",
  author = "Bing Wang and Changhao Chen and Chris Xiaoxuan Lu and Peijun Zhao and Niki Trigoni and Andrew Markham",
  year = "2020",
  booktitle = "The Thirty-Fourth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence",
  title = "Sensor Fusion for Magneto-Inductive Navigation",
  author = "Johan Wahlström, Manon Kok, Pedro Porto Buarque de Gusmsao, Traian E. Abrudan, Niki Trigoni, and Andrew Markham",
  year = "2019",
  journal = "IEEE Sensors Journal",
  url = "",
  doi = "10.1109/JSEN.2019.2942451",
  title = "Learning Object Bounding Boxes for 3D Instance Segmentation on Point Clouds",
  author = "Bo Yang and Jianan Wang and Ronald Clark and Qingyong Hu and Sen Wang and Andrew Markham and Niki Trigoni",
  year = "2019",
  journal = "Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS Spotlight)",
  url = "",
  title = "Robust Attentional Aggregation of Deep Feature Sets for Multi-view 3D Reconstruction",
  author = "Bo Yang and Sen Wang and Andrew Markham and Niki Trigoni",
  year = "2019",
  journal = "International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV)",
  doi = "10.1007/s11263-019-01217-w",
  title = "Autonomous Learning of Speaker Identity and WiFi Geofence from Noisy Sensor Data",
  author = "Chris Xiaoxuan Lu and Yuanbo Xiangli and Peijun Zhao and Changhao Chen and Niki Trigoni and Andrew Markham",
  year = "2019",
  booktitle = "IEEE Internet of Things Journal",
  journal = "IEEE Internet of Things Journal",
  title = "Distilling Knowledge From a Deep Pose Regressor Network",
  author = "Muhamad Risqi U. Saputra, Pedro P. B. de Gusmao, Yasin Almalioglu, Andrew Markham, and Niki Trigoni",
  year = "2019",
  journal = "IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)",
  title = "DeepPCO: End-to-end Point Cloud Odometry through Deep Parallel Neural Network",
  author = "Wei Wang, Muhamad Risqi U. Saputra, Peijun Zhao, Pedro Gusmao, Bo Yang, Changhao Chen, Andrew Markham, and Niki Trigoni",
  year = "2019",
  journal = "IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)",
  title = "Zero-Velocity Detection – A Bayesian Approach to Adaptive Thresholding",
  author = "Johan Wahlström and Isaac Skog and Fredrik Gustafsson and Andrew Markham and Niki Trigoni",
  year = "2019",
  journal = "IEEE Sensors Letters",
  url = "",
  title = "Learning Monocular Visual Odometry through Geometry-Aware Curriculum Learning",
  author = "Muhamad Risqi U. Saputra, Pedro P. B. de Gusmao, Sen Wang, Andrew Markham, and Niki Trigoni",
  year = "2019",
  journal = "IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)",
  title = "GANVO: Unsupervised Deep Monocular Visual Odometry and Depth Estimation with Generative Adversarial Networks",
  author = "Y. Almalioglu, M. R. U. Saputra, P. P. de Gusmao, A. Markham, and N. Trigoni",
  year = "2019",
  journal = "IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)",
  title = "mID: Tracking and Identifying People with Millimeter Wave Radar",
  author = "Peijun Zhao and Chris Xiaoxuan Lu and Jianan Wang and Changhao Chen and Wei Wang and Niki Trigoni and Andrew Markham",
  year = "2019",
  booktitle = "International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (DCOSS)",
  title = "Selective Sensor Fusion for Neural Visual Inertial Odometry",
  author = "Changhao Chen and Stefano Rosa and Yishu Miao and Chris Xiaoxuan Lu and Wei Wu and Andrew Markham and Niki Trigoni",
  year = "2019",
  booktitle = "Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR-19)",
  title = "Autonomous Learning for Face Recognition in the Wild via Ambient Wireless Cues",
  author = "<u>Chris Xiaoxuan Lu</u> and Xuan Kan and Bowen Du and Changhao Chen and Hongkai Wen and Andrew Markham and Niki Trigoni and John Stankovic",
  year = "2019",
  booktitle = "The Web Conference (WWW)",
  title = "MotionTransformer: Transferring Neural Inertial Tracking Between Domains",
  author = "Changhao Chen and Yishu Miao and Chris Xiaoxuan Lu and Linhai Xie and Phil Blunsom and Andrew Markham and Niki Trigoni",
  year = "2019",
  booktitle = "The Thirty-Third AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-19)",
  title = "Dense 3D Object Reconstruction from a Single Depth View",
  author = "Bo Yang and Stefano Rosa and Andrew Markham and Niki Trigoni and Hongkai Wen",
  year = "2018",
  booktitle = "IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence",
  journal = "IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI)",
  doi = "10.1109/TPAMI.2018.2868195",
  title = "Learning with training wheels: Speeding up training with a simple controller for deep reinforcement learning",
  author = "L Xie, S Wang, S Rosa, AC Markham, N Trigoni",
  year = "2018",
  booktitle = "IEEE Intl Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)",
  journal = "IEEE Intl Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)",
  title = "iMag: Accurate and rapidly deployable inertial magneto-inductive localisation",
  author = "B. Wei, N. Trigoni and A.C. Markham",
  year = "2018",
  booktitle = "IEEE Intl Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)",
  journal = "IEEE Intl Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)",
  title = "Visual SLAM and Structure from Motion in Dynamic Environments: A Survey",
  author = "M. R. U. Saputra; A. Markham; and N. Trigoni",
  year = "2018",
  journal = "ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 51 (2), 37",
  title = "Transferring Physical Motion Between Domains for Neural Inertial Tracking",
  author = "Chen, Changhao and Miao, Yishu and Lu, Chris Xiaoxuan and Blunsom, Phil and Markham, Andrew and Trigoni, Niki",
  year = "2018",
  booktitle = "NIPS 2018 workshop on Modelling the Physical world: Perception, Learning and Control",
  title = "Demo Abstract: Automatic Face Recognition Adaptation via Ambient Wireless Identifiers",
  author = "Chris Xiaoxuan Lu and Peijun Zhao and Bowen Du and Hongkai Wen and Andrew Markham and Stefano Rosa and Niki Trignoni",
  year = "2018",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of the 15th ACM Conference on Embedded Network Sensor Systems (SenSys)",
  title = "DeepAuth: In-situ Authentication for Smartwatches via Deeply Learned Behavioural Biometrics",
  author = "Chris Xiaoxuan Lu and Bowen Du and Peijun Zhao and Hongkai Wen and Yiran Shen and Andrew Markham and Niki Trignoni",
  year = "2018",
  booktitle = "International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC)",
  title = "Defo-Net: Learning body deformation using generative adversarial networks",
  author = "Z. Wang, S. Rosa, L. Xie, B. Yang, S. Wang, N. Trigoni and A. Markham",
  year = "2018",
  booktitle = "IEEE Intl Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)",
  journal = "IEEE Intl Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)",
  title = "3D-PhysNet: Learning the Intuitive Physics of Non-Rigid Object Deformations",
  author = "Zhihua Wang and Stefano Rosa and Bo Yang and Sen Wang and Niki Trigoni and Andrew Markham",
  year = "2018",
  booktitle = "27th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence and the 23rd European Conference on Artificial Intelligence IJCAI-ECAI",
  journal = "27th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence and the 23rd European Conference on Artificial Intelligence IJCAI-ECAI",
  title = "IONet: Learning to Cure the Curse of Drift in Inertial Odometry",
  author = "Changhao Chen and Chris Xiaoxuan Lu and Andrew Markham and Niki Trigoni",
  year = "2018",
  booktitle = "The Thirty-Second AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-18)",
  title = "Snoopy: Sniffing Your Smartwatches Passwords via Deep Sequence Learning",
  author = "Chris Xiaoxuan Lu and Bowen Du and Hongkai Wen and Sen Wang and Andrew Markham and Ivan Martinovic and Yiran Shen and Niki Trigoni",
  year = "2018",
  booktitle = "ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp)",
  journal = "Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies",
  title = "Advances and Challenges in Underground Sensing",
  author = "Suk-Un Yoon, Andrew Markham, Niki Trigoni, Traian E Abrudan, Orfeas Kypris, Christian Wietfeld",
  year = "2017",
  booktitle = "Underground Sensing",
  chapter = "Advances and Challenges in Underground Sensing",
  journal = "Book Chapter in Underground Sensing (pp. 357-415)",
  title = "An active‐radio‐frequency‐identification system capable of identifying co‐locations and social‐structure: Validation with a wild free‐ranging animal",
  author = "Stephen A Ellwood, Chris Newman, Robert A Montgomery, Vincenzo Nicosia, Christina D Buesching, Andrew Markham, Cecilia Mascolo, Niki Trigoni, Bence Pasztor, Vladimir Dyo, Vito Latora, Sandra E Baker, David W Macdonald",
  year = "2017",
  booktitle = "Methods in Ecology and Evolution, vol. 8, issue 12",
  journal = "Methods in Ecology and Evolution, vol. 8, issue 12",
  title = "3D Object Dense Reconstruction from a Single Depth View with Adversarial Learning",
  author = "Bo Yang and Hongkai Wen and Sen Wang and Ronald Clark and Andrew Markham and Niki Trigoni",
  year = "2017",
  booktitle = "International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) Workshops",
  journal = "International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) Workshops",
  doi = "10.1109/ICCVW.2017.86",
  title = "VeriNet: User Verification on Smartwatches via Behavior Biometrics",
  author = "<u>Chris Xiaoxuan Lu</u> and Bowen Du and Xuan Kan and Hongkai Wen and Andrew Markham and Niki Trigoni",
  year = "2017",
  booktitle = "ACM Sensys Workshop on Mobile Crowdsensing Systems and Applications",
  journal = "ACM Sensys Workshop on Mobile Crowdsensing Systems and Applications",
  title = "Poster Abstract: Towards Self-supervised Face Labeling via Cross-modality Association",
  author = "<u>Chris Xiaoxuan Lu</u> and Xuan Kan and Stefano Rosa and Bowen Du and Hongkai Wen and Andrew Markham and Niki Trigoni",
  year = "2017",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of the 15th ACM Conference on Embedded Network Sensor Systems (SenSys)",
  title = "SCAN: Learning Speaker Identity From Noisy Sets of Sensor Data",
  author = "<u>Chris Xiaoxuan Lu</u> and Hongkai Wen and Sen Wang and Andrew Markham and Niki Trigoni",
  year = "2017",
  booktitle = "ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN)",
  title = "VidLoc: A Deep Spatio-Temporal Model for 6-DoF Video-Clip Relocalization",
  author = "Ronald Clark and Sen Wang and Andrew Markham and Niki Trigoni and Hongkai Wen",
  year = "2017",
  booktitle = "Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)",
  journal = "Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)",
  title = "Towards Monocular Vision based Obstacle Avoidance through Deep Reinforcement Learning",
  author = "Xie, Linhai and Wang, Sen and Markham, Andrew and Trigoni, Niki",
  year = "2017",
  booktitle = "RSS 2017 workshop on New Frontiers for Deep Learning in Robotics",
  title = "GraphTinker: Outlier Rejection and Inlier Injection for Pose Graph SLAM",
  author = "Xie, Linhai and Wang, Sen and Markham, Andrew and Trigoni, Niki",
  year = "2017",
  booktitle = "Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2017 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on",
  organization = "IEEE",
  title = "VINet: Visual Inertial Odometry as a Sequence to Sequence Learning Problem",
  author = "R. Clark and S. Wang and H. Wen and A. Markham and N. Trigoni",
  year = "2017",
  booktitle = "AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI)",
  journal = "AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI)",
  title = "Magneto-Inductive Underground Tracking: Principles and Systems",
  author = "T. Abrudan and O. Kypris and N. Trigoni and A. Markham",
  year = "2016",
  booktitle = "Underground Sensing: Monitoring and hazard detection for environment and infrastructure - 1st edition",
  chapter = "8.2",
  editor = "Elsevier",
  title = "Increasing the efficiency of 6-DoF visual localization using multi-modal sensory data",
  author = "Ronald Clark and Sen Wang and Hongkai Wen and Niki Trigoni and Andrew Markham",
  year = "2016",
  booktitle = "IEEE-RAS 16th International Conference on Humanoid Robots",
  journal = "IEEE-RAS 16th International Conference on Humanoid Robots",
  title = "Tracking People in Highly Dynamic Industrial Environments",
  author = "S. Papaioannou and A. Markham and N. Trigoni",
  year = "2016",
  booktitle = "IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (Issue: 99)",
  journal = "IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (Issue: 99)",
@article{IEEE Access,
  title = "Impact of Rocks and Minerals on Underground Magneto-Inductive Communication and Localization",
  author = "T. Abrudan and O. Kypris and N. Trigoni and A. Markham",
  year = "2016",
  booktitle = "IEEE Access arXiv preprint arXiv:1606.03065",
  journal = "IEEE Access arXiv preprint arXiv:1606.03065",
@article{IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 54(8),
  title = "Underground Incrementally Deployed Magneto-Inductive 3-D Positioning Network",
  author = "T. Abrudan and Z. Xiao and A. Markham and N. Trigoni",
  year = "2016",
  booktitle = "IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 54(8)",
  journal = "IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 54(8)",
  pages = "4376-4391",
  title = "Robust vision-based indoor localization",
  author = "Ronald Clark and Niki Trigoni and Andrew Markham",
  year = "2015",
  journal = "Proceedings of the 14th international conference on information processing in sensor networks (IPSN) - poster paper",
  title = "A new Magneto‐Inductive tracking technique to uncover subterranean activity: what do animals do underground?",
  author = "Michael J Noonan, Andrew Markham, Chris Newman, Niki Trigoni, Christina D Buesching, Stephen A Ellwood, David W Macdonald",
  year = "2015",
  journal = "Methods in Ecology and Evolution, Vol. 6, Issue 5",
  title = "Robust Indoor Positioning with Lifelong Learning",
  author = "Xiao, Zhuoling and Wen, Hongkai and Markham, Andrew and Trigoni, Niki",
  year = "2015",
  journal = "IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications",
  number = "99",
  pages = "PP",
  volume = "PP",
  title = "Indoor tracking using undirected graphical models",
  author = "Xiao, Zhuoling and Wen, Hongkai and Markham, Andrew and Trigoni, Niki",
  year = "2015",
  journal = "IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing",
  number = "1",
  pages = "PP",
  volume = "1",
  title = "Distortion Rejecting Magneto-inductive 3-D Localization (MagLoc)",
  author = "Abrudan, Train and Xiao, Zhuoling and Markham, Andrew and Trigoni, Niki",
  year = "2015",
  journal = "IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications",
  number = "33(11)",
  pages = "2404-2417",
  title = "A new Magneto-Inductive tracking technique to uncover subterranean activity: What do animals do underground?",
  author = "Noonan, Michael J. and Markham, Andrew and Newman, Chris and Trigoni, Niki and Buesching, Christina D. and Ellwood, Stephen A. and Macdonald, David W.",
  year = "2015",
  issn = "2041-210X",
  journal = "Methods in Ecology and Evolution",
  doi = "10.1111/2041-210X.12348",
  title = "Non-line-of-sight identification and mitigation using received signal strength",
  author = "Zhuoling Xiao and Hongkai Wen and Andrew Markham and Niki Trigoni and Phil Blunsom and J. Frolik",
  year = "2015",
  journal = "IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications",
  title = "Accuracy Estimation For Sensor Systems",
  author = "Hongkai Wen and Zhuoling Xiao and Andrew Markham and Niki Trigoni",
  year = "2015",
  journal = "IEEE Transaction on Mobile Computing",
  title = "Accurate Positioning via Cross Modality Training",
  author = "S. Papaioannou and H. Wen and Z. Xiao and A. Markham and N. Trigoni",
  year = "2015",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of the 13th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems",
  pages = "239-251",
  title = "Climate and the Individual: Inter-Annual Variation in the Autumnal Activity of the European Badger",
  author = "M. Noonan and A. Markham and C. Newman and N. Trigoni and C. Buesching and S. Ellwood and D. Macdonald",
  year = "2014",
  journal = "PLOS ONE",
  url = "",
  title = "Robust pedestrian dead reckoning (R-PDR) for arbitrary mobile device placement",
  author = "Xiao, Zhuoling and Wen, Hongkai and Markham, Andrew and Trigoni, Niki",
  year = "2014",
  address = "Busan, Korea",
  booktitle = "The 5th International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation",
  url = "",
  title = "Demo: {IMU}-Aided Magneto-Inductive Localization",
  author = "T.~E. Abrudan and Zhuoling Xiao and A. Markham and N. Trigoni",
  year = "2014",
  address = "Berlin, Germany",
  booktitle = "Microsoft Indoor Localization Competition, at the 13th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN 2014)",
  copyright = "ACM",
  month = "13--17 Apr.",
  title = "Fusion of Radio and Camera Sensor Data for Accurate Indoor Positioning",
  author = "Savvas Papaioannou and Hongkai Wen and Andrew Markham and Niki Trigoni",
  year = "2014",
  booktitle = "the 11th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS'14)",
  pages = "109-117",
  url = "",
  title = "A Case for Magneto-Inductive Indoor Localization (BEST POSTER AWARD)",
  author = "T.~E. Abrudan and A. Markham and N. Trigoni",
  year = "2014",
  address = "Oxford, UK",
  booktitle = "The 11th European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks (EWSN 2014)",
  month = "17--19 Feb.",
  title = "Demo: Lightweight continuous indoor tracking system",
  author = "Xiao, Zhuoling and Wen, Hongkai and Markham, Andrew and Trigoni, Niki",
  year = "2014",
  address = "Oxford, UK",
  booktitle = "11th European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks (EWSN'14)",
  title = "Lightweight map matching for indoor localization using conditional random fields (BEST PAPER)",
  author = "Xiao, Zhuoling and Wen, Hongkai and Markham, Andrew and Trigoni, Niki",
  year = "2014",
  address = "Berlin, Germany",
  booktitle = "The International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN'14)",
  url = "",
  title = "Poster: WiFi sensors meet visual tracking for an accurate positioning system",
  author = "Papaioannou, Savvas and Wen, Hongkai and Xiao, Zhuoling and Markham, Andrew and Trigoni, Niki",
  year = "2014",
  address = "Oxford, UK",
  booktitle = "11th European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks (EWSN'14)",
  title = "Identification and mitigation of non-line-of-sight conditions using received signal strength",
  author = "Xiao, Zhuoling and Wen, Hongkai and Markham, Andrew and Trigoni, Niki and Blunsom, Phil and Frolik, Jeff",
  year = "2013",
  address = "Lyon, France",
  booktitle = "IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob'13)",
  pages = "667-674",
  title = "Comparison of Accuracy Estimation Approaches for Sensor Networks",
  author = "Hongkai Wen and Zhuoling Xiao and Andrew Symington and Andrew Markham and Niki Trigoni",
  year = "2013",
  booktitle = "the 9th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (DCOSS'13)",
  pages = "28-35",
  url = "",
  title = "Underground Localization in 3-D Using Magneto-Inductive Tracking",
  author = "Andrew Markham and Niki Trigoni",
  year = "2012",
  journal = "IEEE Sensors Journal",
  month = "June",
  number = "6",
  pages = "1809--1816",
  url = "",
  volume = "12",
  doi = "10.1109/JSEN.2011.2178064",
  title = "WILDSENSING: Design and Deployment of a Sustainable Sensor Network for Wildlife Monitoring",
  author = "V. Dyo and S. Ellwood and D. Macdonald and A. Markham and N. Trigoni and R. Wohlers and C. Mascolo and B. Pasztor and S. Scellato and K. Yousef",
  year = "2012",
  journal = "ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks",
  url = "",
  title = "Magneto-inductive networked rescue system (MINERS): taking sensor networks underground",
  author = "Andrew Markham and Niki Trigoni",
  year = "2012",
  booktitle = "11th International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN)",
  journal = "11th International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN)",
  url = "",
  title = "Characterization of Non-Line-of-Sight (NLOS) Bias via Analysis of Clutter Topology",
  author = "Muzammil Hussain and Yusuf Aytar and Andrew Markham and Niki Trigoni",
  year = "2012",
  affiliation = "University of Oxford",
  booktitle = "IEEE/ION Poisition Location and Navigation Symposium (PLANS) 2012",
  title = "Effect of rainfall on link quality in an outdoor forest deployment",
  author = "Andrew Markham and Niki Trigoni and Stephen A. Ellwood",
  year = "2010",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of the International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems, Athens, Greece",
  month = "July",
  title = "The automatic evolution of distributed controllers to configure sensor network operation",
  author = "Andrew Markham and Niki Trigoni",
  year = "2010",
  journal = "The Computer Journal",
  month = "March",
  url = "",
  doi = "10.1093/comjnl/bxq016",
  title = "Discrete Gene Regulatory Networks (dGRNs): A novel approach to configuring sensor networks",
  author = "Andrew Markham and Niki Trigoni",
  year = "2010",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of the 29th Conference on Computer Communications (InfoCom 2010)",
  location = "San Diego, CA",
  month = "March",
  title = "Demo Abstract: Magneto-inductive tracking of underground animals",
  author = "Andrew Markham and Niki Trigoni and Stephen A. Ellwood and David W. Macdonald",
  year = "2010",
  booktitle = "8th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (Sensys 2010). Zurich, Switzerland",
  month = "November",
  title = "Revealing the hidden lives of underground animals using magneto-inductive tracking",
  author = "Andrew Markham and Niki Trigoni and Stephen A. Ellwood and David W. Macdonald",
  year = "2010",
  booktitle = "8th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (Sensys 2010). Zurich, Switzerland",
  month = "November",
  title = "Evolution and Sustainability of a Wildlife Monitoring Sensor Network",
  author = "V. Dyo and S. Ellwood and D. Macdonald and A. Markham and C. Mascolo and B. Pasztor and S. Scellato and N. Trigoni and R. Wohlers and K. Yousef",
  year = "2010",
  booktitle = "8th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys 2010), Zurich, Switzerland",
  title = "Poster Abstract: Wildlife and Environmental Monitoring using RFID and WSN Technology",
  author = "Vladimir Dyo and Stephen A. Ellwood and David W. Macdonald and Andrew Markham and Cecilia Mascolo and Bence Pasztor and Niki Trigoni and Ricklef Wohlers",
  year = "2009",
  booktitle = "The 7th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys09). Berkeley, California,",
  title = "Adaptive Social Hierarchies: From Nature to Networks",
  author = "A. C. Markham",
  year = "2008",
  booktitle = "Bio-inspired Computing and Communication Networks",
  editor = "Yang Xiao and Fei Hu",
  isbn = "978-1420080322",
  publisher = "Auerbach Publications, Taylor & Francis Group",
  title = "On a Wildlife Tracking and Telemetry System: A Wireless Network Approach",
  author = "Andrew Markham",
  year = "2008",
  institution = "University of Cape Town, South Africa",
  school = "University of Cape Town, South Africa",
  title = "A biomimetic ranking system for energy constrained mobile wireless sensor networks",
  author = "A. C. Markham and A. J. Wilkinson",
  year = "2007",
  booktitle = "Southern African Telecommunications, Networks and Applications Conference (SATNAC), Mauritius, 9-13 September 2007",
  title = "EcoLocate: A heterogeneous wireless network system for wildlife tracking",
  author = "A. C. Markham and A. J. Wilkinson",
  year = "2007",
  booktitle = "International Joint Conferences on Computer, Information and Systems Sciences and Engineering (CISSE)",
  title = "The Adaptive Social Hierarchy: A self organizing network based on naturally occurring structures",
  author = "A. C. Markham and A. J. Wilkinson",
  year = "2006",
  booktitle = "1st International Conference on Bio Inspired mOdels of NEtwork, Information and Computing Systems (BIONETICS)",