Daniel Kroening : Publications
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@article{Abate2019, title = "Automated formal synthesis of provably safe digital controllers for continuous plants", author = "Abate, Alessandro and Bessa, Iury and Cordeiro, Lucas and David, Cristina and Kesseli, Pascal and Kroening, Daniel and Polgreen, Elizabeth", year = "2019", issn = "1432-0525", journal = "Acta Informatica", month = "Dec", doi = "10.1007/s00236-019-00359-1", }
@article{DBLP:journals/corr/abs-1712-07388, title = "Kayak: Safe Semantic Refactoring to Java Streams", author = "Cristina David and Pascal Kesseli and Daniel Kroening", year = "2017", journal = "CoRR", url = "http://arxiv.org/abs/1712.07388", volume = "abs/1712.07388", }
@inproceedings{our-work.POPL:2013, title = "Abstract Conflict Driven Learning", author = "V. D'Silva and L. Haller and D. Kroening", year = "2013", booktitle = "Proc.~of the Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages", publisher = "ACM", }
@inproceedings{abstract-syntax.VMCAI:2013, title = "Abstraction of Syntax", author = "V. D'Silva and D. Kroening", year = "2013", booktitle = "Proc.~of the conference on Verification, Model Checking and Abstract Interpretation", publisher = "Springer-Verlag", }
@inproceedings{our-work.VMCAI:2013, title = "An Abstract Interpretation of {DPLL(T)}", author = "M. Brain and V. D'Silva and L. Haller and A. Griggio and D. Kroening", year = "2013", booktitle = "Proc.~of the conference on Verification, Model Checking and Abstract Interpretation", }
@inproceedings{dhkt.tacas.2012, title = "Numeric Bounds Analysis with Conflict-Driven Learning", author = "Vijay D'Silva and Leopold Haller and Daniel Kroening and Michael Tautschnig", year = "2012", booktitle = "TACAS", url = "https://www.cs.ox.ac.uk/people/leopold.haller/papers/tacas2012.pdf", }
@inproceedings{our-work.SAS:2012, title = "Satisfiability Solvers are Static Analysers", author = "V. D'Silva and L. Haller and D. Kroening", year = "2012", booktitle = "Proc.~of Static Analysis Symposium", pages = "317-333", publisher = "Springer", }
@inproceedings{dkpwvmcai, title = "Interpolant Strength", author = "Vijay D'Silva and Daniel Kroening and Mitra Purandare and Georg Weissenbacher", year = "2010", booktitle = "Proceedings of the International Conference on Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation (VMCAI)", month = "January", note = "Extended version available as <a href="http://www.inf.ethz.ch/research/disstechreps/techreports/show?serial=652&lang=en">technical report</a>. <a href="http://www.georg.weissenbacher.name/slides/vmcai2010.pdf">Download slides.</a>", pages = "129-145", publisher = "Springer", series = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science", url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-11319-2_12", volume = "5944", doi = "10.1007/978-3-642-11319-2_12", }
@inproceedings{kroening_weissenbacher_hvc_09, title = "An Interpolating Decision Procedure for Transitive Relations with Uninterpreted Functions", author = "Daniel Kroening and Georg Weissenbacher", year = "2010", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 5th Haifa Verification Conference", editor = "Kedar Namjoshi and Andreas Zeller", location = "Haifa, Israel", note = "This work was also presented at the <a href="http://www.iist.unu.edu/index.php/seminars-and-colloquia-2010">UNU IIST seminar in Macau</a> <a href="http://www.georg.weissenbacher.name/slides/macau2010.pdf">(click here for slides)</a> in January 2010.", publisher = "Springer", series = "LNCS", }
@conference{dsilva_kroening_date09, title = "Fixed Points in Multi-Cycle Path Detection", author = "Vijay D'Silva and Daniel Kroening", year = "2009", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Conference on Design Automation and Test in Europe (DATE)", editor = "Bashir Al-Hashimi", location = "Nice, France", month = "April", publisher = "IEEE", }
@article{kroeningweissenbacher_fac09, title = "Verification and Falsification of Programs with Loops Using Predicate Abstraction", author = "Daniel Kroening and Georg Weissenbacher", year = "2009", journal = "Formal Aspects of Computing", publisher = "Springer", url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00165-009-0110-2", doi = "10.1007/s00165-009-0110-2", }
@article{dkw2008, title = "A Survey of Automated Techniques for Formal Software Verification", author = "Vijay D'Silva and Daniel Kroening and Georg Weissenbacher", year = "2008", journal = "IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (TCAD)", month = "July", number = "7", pages = "1165-1178", publisher = "IEEE", url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TCAD.2008.923410", volume = "27", doi = "10.1109/TCAD.2008.923410", }
@article{zkc2008, title = "Computing Binary Combinatorial {Gray} Codes via Exhaustive Search with {SAT}-Solvers", author = "Zinovik, Igor and Kroening, Daniel and Chebiryak, Yury", year = "2008", journal = "IEEE Transactions on Information Theory", month = "April", note = "To appear.", }
@book{bkww2008, title = "Digitaltechnik", author = "Biere, Armin and Kroening, Daniel and Weissenbacher, Georg and Wintersteiger, Christoph", year = "2008", month = "March", publisher = "Springer", url = "http://www.digitaltechnik.org", }
@article{jksc2007-tcad, title = "Word Level Predicate Abstraction and Refinement for Verifying {RTL} {Verilog}", author = "Jain, Himanshu and Kroening, Daniel and Sharygina, Natasha and Clarke, Edmund", year = "2008", journal = "IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (TCAD)", month = "February", pages = "366--379", publisher = "IEEE", volume = "27", }
@unpublished{dsilva_RRR08, title = "Restructuring Resolution Refutations for Interpolation", author = "Vijay D'Silva and Daniel Kroening and Mitra Purandare and Georg Weissenbacher", year = "2008", month = "October", url = "http://www.inf.ethz.ch/personal/vdsilva/publications/dkpw_restructuring_resolution_refutations.pdf", }
@conference{dsilva_purandare_kroening_VMCAI08, title = "Approximation Refinement for Interpolation-Based Model Checking", author = "Vijay D'Silva and Mitra Purandare and Daniel Kroening", year = "2008", address = "Heidelberg, Germany", booktitle = "Proceedings of the International Conference on Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation (VMCAI)", copyright = "2008", editor = "Francesco Logozzo and Doron Peled and Lenore D. Zuck", isbn = "978-3-540-78162-2", issn = "0302-9743", month = "January", pages = "68--82", publisher = "Springer", series = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science", url = "http://www.springerlink.com/content/0vx4605k3w51u873/", volume = "4905", doi = "10.1007/978-3-540-78163-9", }
@book{ks2008, title = "Decision Procedures -- an Algorithmic Point of View", author = "Kroening, Daniel and Strichman, Ofer", year = "2008", note = "To appear", publisher = "Springer", series = "EATCS", }
@inproceedings{bks2008-scoot, title = "Scoot: A Tool for the Analysis of {SystemC} Models", author = "Blanc, Nicolas and Kroening, Daniel and Sharygina, Natasha", year = "2008", booktitle = "Proceedings of TACAS 2008", note = "To appear.", publisher = "Springer", }
@inproceedings{spk2008-vmcai, title = "Approximation Refinement for Interpolation-Based Model Checking", author = "D'Silva, Vijay and Purandare, Mitra and Kroening, Daniel", year = "2008", booktitle = "Proceedings of VMCAI 2008", pages = "68--82", publisher = "Springer", series = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science", volume = "4905", }
@incollection{ckr2007, title = "Static Analysis to Enhance the Power of Model Checking for Concurrent Software", author = "Clarke, Edmund and Kroening, Daniel and Reps, Thomas", year = "2007", booktitle = "Department of Defense Sponsored Information Security Research", isbn = "0-471-78756-6", month = "July", pages = "349--360", publisher = "Wiley", }
@article{cjk2006, title = "Verification of {SpecC} using Predicate Abstraction", author = "Clarke, Edmund and Jain, Himanshu and Kroening, Daniel", year = "2007", journal = "Formal Methods in System Design (FMSD)", month = "February", number = "1", pages = "5--28", volume = "30", }
@article{cks2007-tcs, title = "Verification of {Boolean} Programs with Unbounded Thread Creation", author = "Cook, Byron and Kroening, Daniel and Sharygina, Natasha", year = "2007", journal = "Theoretical Computer Science (TCS)", pages = "227--242", publisher = "Elsevier", volume = "388", }
@inproceedings{ks2007-iccad, title = "Formal Verification at Higher Levels of Abstraction", author = "Kroening, Daniel and Seshia, Sanjit A.", year = "2007", booktitle = "Proceedings of ICCAD 2007", note = "Tutorial", pages = "572--578", publisher = "IEEE", }
@inproceedings{bkw2007-hvc, title = "A Complete Bounded Model Checking Algorithm for Pushdown Systems", author = "Basler, Gerard and Kroening, Daniel and Weissenbacher, Georg", year = "2007", booktitle = "Proceedings of HVC 2007", isbn = "978-3-540-77964-3", pages = "202--217", publisher = "Springer", series = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science", volume = "4899", }
@inproceedings{bgk2007, title = "Verifying {C++} with {STL} Containers via Predicate Abstraction", author = "Blanc, Nicolas and Groce, Alex and Kroening, Daniel", year = "2007", booktitle = "22nd IEEE International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE)", isbn = "978-1-59593-882-4", pages = "521--524", publisher = "IEEE", }
@inproceedings{wbwk2007, title = "Model Checking Concurrent {Linux} Device Drivers", author = "Witkowski, Thomas and Blanc, Nicolas and Weissenbacher, Georg and Kroening, Daniel", year = "2007", booktitle = "22nd IEEE International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE)", isbn = "978-1-59593-882-4", pages = "501--504", publisher = "IEEE", url = "http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1321631.1321719", doi = "10.1145/1321631.1321719", }
@inproceedings{kw2007, title = "Lifting Propositional Interpolants to the Word-Level", author = "Kroening, Daniel and Weissenbacher, Georg", year = "2007", booktitle = "Proceedings of FMCAD", note = "(also presented in the <a href="http://tresor.epfl.ch/dokuwiki/seminars/2008">TRESOR seminar at EPFL<a>, June 2008)", pages = "85--89", publisher = "IEEE", url = "http://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/FMCAD.2007.31", }
@inproceedings{bkw2007-spin, title = "{SAT}-based Summarisation for {B}oolean Programs", author = "Basler, Gerard and Kroening, Daniel and Weissenbacher, Georg", year = "2007", booktitle = "Proceedings of SPIN 2007", note = "<a href="http://www.georg.weissenbacher.name/slides/spin2007.pdf">Click here for slides.</a>", number = "4595", pages = "131--148", series = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science", url = "http://www.springerlink.com/content/x7h7526tu6702917", }
@inproceedings{zkc2007-ab, title = "An Algebraic Algorithm for the Identification of {Glass} Networks with Periodic Orbits along Cyclic Attractors", author = "Zinovik, Igor and Kroening, Daniel and Chebiryak, Yury", year = "2007", booktitle = "Proceedings of Algebraic Biology (AB)", pages = "140--154", publisher = "Springer", series = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science", volume = "4545", }
@inproceedings{jbskw2007, title = "A First Step Towards a Unified Proof Checker for {QBF}", author = "Jussila, Toni and Biere, Armin and Sinz, Carsten and Kroening, Daniel and Wintersteiger, Christoph", year = "2007", booktitle = "Proceedings of SAT 2007", isbn = "978-3-540-72787-3", pages = "201--214", publisher = "Springer", series = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science", volume = "4501", }
@inproceedings{jksc2007, title = "{VCEGAR}: Verilog CounterExample Guided Abstraction Refinement", author = "Jain, Himanshu and Kroening, Daniel and Sharygina, Natasha and Clarke, Edmund", year = "2007", booktitle = "Proceedings of TACAS 2007", pages = "583--586", publisher = "Springer", series = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science", volume = "4424", }
@inproceedings{ks2007-date, title = "Image Computation and Predicate Refinement for {RTL} {Verilog} using Word Level Proofs", author = "Kroening, Daniel and Sharygina, Natasha", year = "2007", booktitle = "Proceedings of DATE 2007", pages = "1325--1330", }
@inproceedings{bkossb2007-tacas, title = "Deciding Bit-Vector Arithmetic with Abstraction", author = "Bryant, Randal E. and Kroening, Daniel and Ouaknine, Joel and Seshia, Sanjit A. and Strichman, Ofer and Brady, Bryan", year = "2007", booktitle = "Proceedings of TACAS 2007", pages = "358--372", publisher = "Springer", series = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science", volume = "4424", }
@inproceedings{BEGKR2006, title = "{ExpliSAT}: Guiding {SAT}-Based Software Verification with Explicit States", author = "Sharon Barner and Cindy Eisner and Ziv Glazberg and Daniel Kroening and Ishai Rabinovitz", year = "2007", booktitle = "Proceedings of HVC 2006", pages = "138--154", publisher = "Springer", series = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science", volume = "4383", }
@incollection{sh2007-ws, title = "Model Checking with Abstraction for Web Services", author = "Sharygina, Natasha and Kroening, Daniel", year = "2007", booktitle = "Test and Analysis of Web Services", editor = "Luciano Baresi and Elisabetta DiNitto", isbn = "3540729119", pages = "121--145", publisher = "Springer", }
@article{BJKLP05, title = "Putting it all together - Formal Verification of the {VAMP}", author = "Beyer, Sven and Jacobi, Christian and Kroening, Daniel and Leinenbach, Dirk and Paul, Wolfgang J.", year = "2006", journal = "Software Tools for Technology Transfer (STTT), Special Issue on Recent Advances in Hardware Verification", month = "August", number = "4-5", pages = "411--430", publisher = "Springer", volume = "8", }
@article{gcks05, title = "Error Explanation with Distance Metrics", author = "Groce, Alex and Chaki, Sagar and Kroening, Daniel and Strichman, Ofer", year = "2006", journal = "Software Tools for Technology Transfer (STTT)", month = "June", pages = "229--247", publisher = "Springer", volume = "8", }
@inproceedings{BMC-K2005, title = "Computing Over-Approximations with Bounded Model Checking", author = "Kroening, Daniel", year = "2006", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Bounded Model Checking (BMC 2005)", month = "January", pages = "79--92", publisher = "Elsevier", series = "ENTCS", volume = "144", }
@inproceedings{cks2006-fmcad, title = "Over-Approximating {Boolean} Programs with Unbounded Thread Creation", author = "Cook, Byron and Kroening, Daniel and Sharygina, Natasha", year = "2006", booktitle = "Proceedings of FMCAD 2006", isbn = "0-7695-2707-8", pages = "53--59", publisher = "IEEE", }
@inproceedings{cks2006-cogent, title = "Accurate Theorem Proving for Program Verification", author = "Cook, Byron and Kroening, Daniel and Sharygina, Natasha", year = "2006", booktitle = "Proceedings of ISoLA 2004", pages = "96--114", publisher = "Springer", series = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science", volume = "4313", }
@inproceedings{kw2006-cav, title = "Counterexamples with Loops for Predicate Abstraction", author = "Kroening, Daniel and Weissenbacher, Georg", year = "2006", booktitle = "Proceedings of CAV 2006", isbn = "3-540-37406-X", pages = "152--165", publisher = "Springer", series = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science", url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/11817963_16", volume = "4144", doi = "10.1007/11817963_16", }
@inproceedings{ks2006-tacas, title = "Approximating Predicate Images for Bit-Vector Logic", author = "Kroening, Daniel and Sharygina, Natasha", year = "2006", booktitle = "Proceedings of TACAS 2006", pages = "242--256", publisher = "Springer", series = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science", volume = "3920", }
@article{ckos2005, title = "Computational Challenges in Bounded Model Checking", author = "Clarke, Edmund and Kroening, Daniel and Ouaknine, Joel and Strichman, Ofer", year = "2005", journal = "Software Tools for Technology Transfer (STTT)", month = "April", number = "2", pages = "174--183", publisher = "Springer", volume = "7", }
@inproceedings{KS2005, title = "Formal Verification of {SystemC} by Automatic Hardware/Software Partitioning", author = "Kroening, Daniel and Sharygina, Natasha", year = "2005", booktitle = "Proceedings of MEMOCODE 2005", pages = "101--110", publisher = "IEEE", }
@inproceedings{CKS05, title = "Symbolic model checking for asynchronous {Boolean} programs", author = "Cook, Byron and Kroening, Daniel and Sharygina, Natasha", year = "2005", booktitle = "Proceedings of SPIN 2005", editor = "P. Godefroid", number = "3639", pages = "75--90", publisher = "Springer", series = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science", }
@inproceedings{cks2005, title = "Cogent: Accurate theorem proving for program verification", author = "Cook, Byron and Kroening, Daniel and Sharygina, Natasha", year = "2005", booktitle = "Proceedings of CAV 2005", editor = "Etessami, Kousha and Rajamani, Sriram K.", isbn = "3-540-27231-3", publisher = "Springer", series = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science", volume = "3576", }
@inproceedings{jksc2005, title = "Word Level Predicate Abstraction and Refinement for Verifying {RTL} {Verilog}", author = "Jain, Himanshu and Kroening, Daniel and Sharygina, Natasha and Clarke, Edmund", year = "2005", booktitle = "Proceedings of DAC 2005", isbn = "1-59593-058-2", pages = "445--450", }
@inproceedings{cksy2005, title = "{SATABS}: {SAT}-based Predicate Abstraction for {ANSI-C}", author = "Clarke, Edmund and Kroening, Daniel and Sharygina, Natasha and Yorav, Karen", year = "2005", booktitle = "Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS 2005)", isbn = "3-540-25333-5", pages = "570--574", publisher = "Springer", series = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science", volume = "3440", }
@inproceedings{gk2004-bmc, title = "Making the Most of {BMC} Counterexamples", author = "Groce, Alex and Kroening, Daniel", year = "2005", booktitle = "Proceedings of BMC 2004", pages = "67--81", publisher = "Elsevier", series = "ENTCS", volume = "119", }
@inproceedings{koss2004-cav, title = "Abstraction-based Satisfiability Solving of {Presburger} Arithmetic", author = "Kroening, Daniel and Ouaknine, Joel and Seshia, Sanjit and Strichman, Ofer", year = "2004", booktitle = "Proceedings of CAV 2004", editor = "Rajeev Alur and Doron A. Peled", isbn = "3-540-22342-8", month = "July", number = "3114", pages = "308--320", series = "LNCS", }
@inproceedings{gkl2004, title = "Understanding Counterexamples with explain", author = "Groce, Alex and Kroening, Daniel and Lerda, Flavio", year = "2004", booktitle = "Proceedings of CAV 2004", editor = "Rajeev Alur and Doron A. Peled", isbn = "3-540-22342-8", month = "July", number = "3114", pages = "453--456", series = "LNCS", }
@inproceedings{gk2004-icfem, title = "Counterexample Guided Abstraction Refinement via Program Execution", author = "Groce, Alex and Kroening, Daniel", year = "2004", booktitle = "Proceedings of ICFEM 2004", month = "November", number = "3308", pages = "224--238", publisher = "Springer", series = "LNCS", }
@inproceedings{kc2004, title = "Checking Consistency of {C} and {Verilog} using Predicate Abstraction and Induction", author = "Kroening, Daniel and Clarke, Edmund", year = "2004", booktitle = "Proceedings of ICCAD", month = "November", pages = "66--72", publisher = "IEEE", }
@article{cksy2004, title = "Predicate Abstraction of {ANSI--C} Programs using {SAT}", author = "Clarke, Edmund and Kroening, Daniel and Sharygina, Natasha and Yorav, Karen", year = "2004", journal = "Formal Methods in System Design (FMSD)", month = "September--November", pages = "105--127", volume = "25", }
@inproceedings{cjk2004, title = "Verification of {SpecC} and {Verilog} using Predicate Abstraction", author = "Jain, Himanshu and Clarke, Edmund and Kroening, Daniel", year = "2004", booktitle = "Proceedings of MEMOCODE 2004", isbn = "0-7803-8509-8", pages = "7--16", publisher = "IEEE", }
@inproceedings{cck2004, title = "A {SAT}-Based Algorithm for Reparameterization in Symbolic Simulation", author = "Chauhan, Pankaj and Clarke, Edmund and Kroening, Daniel", year = "2004", booktitle = "Proceedings of DAC 2004", isbn = "1-58113-828-8", pages = "524--529", publisher = "ACM Press", }
@inproceedings{kkm2004, title = "Fault Tolerance Tradeoffs in Moving from Decentralized to Centralized Embedded System Architectures", author = "Morris, Jennifer and Kroening, Daniel and Koopman, Philip", year = "2004", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2004 International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN 2004)", pages = "349--358", publisher = "IEEE", }
@inproceedings{ckl2004, title = "A Tool for Checking {ANSI-C} Programs", author = "Clarke, Edmund and Kroening, Daniel and Lerda, Flavio", year = "2004", booktitle = "Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS 2004)", editor = "Kurt Jensen and Andreas Podelski", isbn = "3-540-21299-X", pages = "168--176", publisher = "Springer", series = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science", volume = "2988", }
@inproceedings{ckso04, title = "Completeness and Complexity of Bounded Model Checking", author = "Clarke, Edmund and Kroening, Daniel and Strichman, Ofer and Ouaknine, Joel", year = "2004", booktitle = "5th International Conference on Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation", isbn = "3-540-20803-8", pages = "85--96", series = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science", volume = "2937", }
@inproceedings{ckyclock03, title = "Specifying and Verifying Systems with Multiple Clocks", author = "Clarke, Edmund and Kroening, Daniel and Yorav, Karen", year = "2003", booktitle = "Proc.\ of the 2003 International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD)", month = "October", pages = "48--55", publisher = "IEEE", }
@inproceedings{bjklp03, title = "Instantiating uninterpreted functional units and memory system: functional verification of the {VAMP} processor", author = "Beyer, Sven and Jacobi, Christian and Kroening, Daniel and Leinenbach, Dirk and Paul, Wolfgang", year = "2003", booktitle = "Proc.\ of the 12th Advanced Research Working Conference on Correct Hardware Design and Verification Methods (CHARME)", month = "October", pages = "51--65", publisher = "Springer", series = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science", volume = "2860", }
@inproceedings{CK03, title = "Hardware Verification using {ANSI-C} Programs as a Reference", author = "Clarke, Edmund and Kroening, Daniel", year = "2003", booktitle = "Proceedings of ASP-DAC 2003", isbn = "0-7803-7659-5", month = "January", pages = "308--311", publisher = "IEEE Computer Society Press", }
@inproceedings{KS03, title = "Efficient Computation of Recurrence Diameters", author = "Kroening, Daniel and Strichman, Ofer", year = "2003", booktitle = "4th International Conference on Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation", editor = "Zuck, L. and Attie, P. and Cortesi, A. and Mukhopadhyay, S.", month = "January", pages = "298--309", publisher = "Springer", series = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science", volume = "2575", }
@inproceedings{CKY03, title = "Behavioral Consistency of {C} and {Verilog} Programs Using Bounded Model Checking", author = "Kroening, Daniel and Clarke, Edmund and Yorav, Karen", year = "2003", booktitle = "Proceedings of DAC 2003", isbn = "1-58113-688-9", pages = "368--371", publisher = "ACM Press", }
@inproceedings{kp01, title = "Automated Pipeline Design", author = "Kroening, Daniel and Paul, Wolfgang", year = "2001", booktitle = "Proc. of 38th {ACM}/{IEEE} Design Automation Conference ({DAC} 2001)", pages = "810--815", publisher = "ACM Press", }
@inproceedings{99MPK, title = "Proving the Correctness of Processors with Delayed Branch using Delayed {PC}", author = "Mueller, Silvia M. and Paul, Wolfgang and Kroening, Daniel", year = "2000", booktitle = "Numbers, Information and Complexity", editor = "Althoefer, I. and Cai, N. and Dueck, G. and Khachatrian, L. and Pinsker, M. and Sarkozy, A. and Wegener, I. and Zhang Z.", pages = "579--588", publisher = "Kluwer", }
@inproceedings{KPM00, title = "Proving the Correctness of Pipelined Micro-Architectures", author = "Kroening, Daniel and Paul, Wolfgang and Mueller, Silvia M.", year = "2000", booktitle = "Proc. of ITG/GI/GMM-Workshop ''Methoden und Beschreibungssprachen zur Modellierung und Verifikation von Schaltungen und Systemen''", editor = "Waldschmidt, Klaus and Grimm, Christoph", pages = "89--98", publisher = "VDE Verlag", }
@inproceedings{99SLDGK, title = "The Impact of Hardware Scheduling Mechanisms on the Performance and Cost of Processor Designs.", author = "Mueller, Silvia M. and Leister, Holger and Dell, Peter and Gerteis, Nikolaus and Kroening, Daniel", year = "1999", booktitle = "In Proc.\ 15th GI/ITG conference 'Architektur von Rechensystemen' ARCS'99", pages = "65--73", }