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Martin Bishop : Publications

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  title = "Interpreting Optical Mapping Recordings in the Ischemic Heart: A Combined Experimental and Computational Investigation",
  author = "S Dutta, MJ Bishop, P Pathmanathan, P Lee, P Kohl, TA Quinn, B Rodriguez",
  year = "2011",
  title = "Bidomain ECG Simulations Using an Augmented Monodomain Model for the Cardiac Source",
  author = "MJ Bishop and G Plank",
  year = "2011",
  title = "The Role of Photon Scattering in Voltage-Calcium Fluorescent Recordings  of Ventricular Fibrillation",
  author = "MJ Bishop, A Rowley, B Rodriguez, G Plank, DJ Gavaghan and G Bub",
  year = "2011",
  title = "Progressive changes in T(1), T(2) and left-ventricular histo-architecture in the fixed and embedded rat heart",
  author = "PW Hales, RAB Burton, C Bollensdorff, F Mason, MJ Bishop, DJ Gavaghan, P Kohl, JE Schneider",
  year = "2010",
  title = "Representing Cardiac Bidomain Bath-Loading Effects by an Augmented Monodomain Approach: Application to Complex Ventricular Models",
  author = "Bishop MJ & G Plank",
  year = "2010",
  journal = "IEEE Trans Biomed Eng",
  title = "Arrhythmic risk biomarkers for the assessment of drug cardiotoxicity: from experiments to computer simulations",
  author = "Corrias A, Jie A, Romero L, Bishop MJ, Bernabeu MO, Pueyo E, Rodriguez B",
  year = "2010",
  journal = "Phil Trans Roy Soc A",
  title = "Development of an anatomically detailed MRI-derived rabbit ventricular model and assessment of its impact on simulations of electrophysiological function",
  author = "Bishop MJ, Plank G, Burton RA, Schneider JE, Gavaghan DJ, Grau V, Kohl P",
  year = "2010",
  journal = "Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol",
  title = "Modeling the Role of the Coronary Vasculature During External Field Stimulation",
  author = "Bishop MJ, Boyle PM, Plank G, Welsh D, Vigmond EJ",
  year = "2010",
  journal = "IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering,",
  title = "Modeling Cardiac Electrophysiology at the Organ Level in the  Peta FLOPS Computing Age",
  author = "L Mitchell, MJ Bishop, E Hötzl, A Neic, M Liebmann, G Haase, G Plank",
  year = "2010",
  title = "The Role of Blood Vessels in Rabbit Propagation Dynamics and Cardiac Arrhythmias",
  author = "Gibb M, Bishop MJ, Burton RAB, Kohl P, Grau V, Plank G, Rodriguez B",
  year = "2009",
  journal = "LNCS",
  title = "Comparison of Rule-Based and DTMRI-Derived Fibre Architecture in a Whole Rat Ventricular Computational Model",
  author = "Bishop MJ, Hales P, Plank G, Gavaghan DJ, Scheider JE, Grau V",
  year = "2009",
  journal = "LNCS",
  title = "High performance computer simulations for the study of biological function in 3D heart models incorporating fibre orientation and realistic geometry at para-cellular resolution",
  author = "Bernabeu MO, Bishop MJ, Pitt-Francis J, Gavaghan DJ, Grau V, Rodriguez B",
  year = "2008",
  journal = "Computers in Cardiology",
  title = "Soft Tissue Modelling of Cardiac Fibres for Use in Coupled  Mechano-Electric Simulations",
  author = "Whiteley JP and Bishop MJ and Gavaghan DJ",
  year = "2007",
  journal = "Bulletin Math Biol",
  title = "Photon scattering effects in optical mapping of propagation and arrhythmogenesis in the heart",
  author = "Bishop MJ, Gavaghan DJ, Trayanova NA, Rodriguez B",
  year = "2007",
  journal = "J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol",
  title = "Inference of Intramural Wavefront Orientation from Optical Recordings in Realistic Whole-Heart Models",
  author = "Bishop MJ, Rodriguez B, Trayanova N, Gavaghan DJ",
  year = "2007",
  journal = "Biophys J",
  title = "The Role of Photon Scattering in Optical Signal Distortion during Arrhythmia and Defibrillation",
  author = "Bishop MJ, Rodriguez B, Qu F, Efimov IR, Gavaghan DJ, Trayanova NA",
  year = "2007",
  journal = "Biophys J",
  title = "Modulation of shock-end virtual electrode polarisation as a direct result of 3D fluorescent photon scattering",
  author = "Bishop MJ, Rodriguez B, Trayanova N, Gavaghan DJ",
  year = "2006",
  journal = "Proc 28th IEEE EMBS Conference",
  title = "Synthesis of Voltage-Sensitive Optical Signals: Application to Panoramic Optical Mapping",
  author = "Bishop MJ, Rodriguez B, Eason J, Whiteley JP, Trayanova N, Gavaghan DJ",
  year = "2006",
  journal = "Biophys J",