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Wei Wang : Publications

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  title = "PointLoc: Deep Pose Regressor for LiDAR Point Cloud Localization",
  author = "Wei Wang and Bing Wang and Peijun Zhao and Changhao Chen and Ronald Clark and Bo Yang and Andrew Markham and Niki Trigoni",
  year = "2021",
  journal = "IEEE Sensors Journal",
  title = "Human tracking and identification through a millimeter wave radar",
  author = "Peijun Zhao and Chris Xiaoxuan Lu and Jianan Wang and Changhao Chen and Wei Wang and Niki Trigoni and Andrew Markham",
  year = "2021",
  booktitle = "Ad Hoc Networks",
  journal = "Ad Hoc Networks Elsevier",
  title = "RadarLoc: Learning to Relocalize in FMCW Radar",
  author = "Wei Wang, Pedro P. B. de Gusmao, Bo Yang, Andrew Markham, and Niki Trigoni",
  year = "2021",
  journal = "IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)",
  title = "Deep Learning based Pedestrian Inertial Navigation: Methods, Dataset and On-Device Inference",
  author = "Changhao Chen and Peijun Zhao and Chris Xiaoxuan Lu and Wei Wang and Andrew Markham and Niki Trigoni",
  year = "2020",
  booktitle = "IEEE Internet of Things Journal",
  journal = "IEEE Internet of Things Journal",
  title = "DeepTIO: A Deep Thermal-Inertial Odometry with Visual Hallucination",
  author = "M.R.U. Saputra, P.P.B. de Gusmao, C.X. Lu, Y. Almalioglu, S. Rosa, C. Chen, J. Wahlstrom, W. Wang, A. Markham, and N. Trigoni",
  year = "2020",
  booktitle = "IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RAL) + IEEE ICRA",
  journal = "IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RAL) + IEEE ICRA",
  title = "DeepPCO: End-to-end Point Cloud Odometry through Deep Parallel Neural Network",
  author = "Wei Wang, Muhamad Risqi U. Saputra, Peijun Zhao, Pedro Gusmao, Bo Yang, Changhao Chen, Andrew Markham, and Niki Trigoni",
  year = "2019",
  journal = "IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)",
  title = "mID: Tracking and Identifying People with Millimeter Wave Radar",
  author = "Peijun Zhao and Chris Xiaoxuan Lu and Jianan Wang and Changhao Chen and Wei Wang and Niki Trigoni and Andrew Markham",
  year = "2019",
  booktitle = "International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (DCOSS)",