Helena Webb : Publications
"It Becomes More of an Abstract Idea‚ this Privacy" − Informing the Design for Communal Privacy Experiences in Smart Homes.
Martin Kraemer‚ Helena Webb‚ George Chalhoub and Ivan Flechais.
In International Journal of Human−Computer Studies (IJHCS 2023). December, 2023.
Details about "It Becomes More of an Abstract Idea‚ this Privacy" − Informing the Design for Communal Privacy Experiences in Smart Homes. | BibTeX data for "It Becomes More of an Abstract Idea‚ this Privacy" − Informing the Design for Communal Privacy Experiences in Smart Homes. | Download (pdf) of "It Becomes More of an Abstract Idea‚ this Privacy" − Informing the Design for Communal Privacy Experiences in Smart Homes. | DOI (10.1016/j.ijhcs.2023.103138) | Link to "It Becomes More of an Abstract Idea‚ this Privacy" − Informing the Design for Communal Privacy Experiences in Smart Homes.
Visualization and Visual Analytics in Knowledge Landscapes.
Varga M. Webb H. Krilavičius T. and Maiden M.
Chapter Navigating Digital Health Landscapes. Health‚ Technology and Society.. Palgrave Macmillan. 2021.
Details about Visualization and Visual Analytics in Knowledge Landscapes. | BibTeX data for Visualization and Visual Analytics in Knowledge Landscapes. | DOI (doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-8206-6_14)
Barely sufficient practices in scientific computing
S.A. Lee G. Bacon S. Bush I. Fortunato L. Gavaghan D. Lestang T. Morton C. Robinson M. Rocca−Serra P. Sansone and H. Webb
In Patterns. 2021.
Details about Barely sufficient practices in scientific computing | BibTeX data for Barely sufficient practices in scientific computing | DOI (doi.org/10.1016/j.patter.2021.100206.)
Institutionalizing ethics in AI through broader impact requirements.
J. Prunkl C.E.A. Ashurst C. Anderljung M. Webb H. Leike and Defoe A.
In Nature Machine Intelligence. 2021.
Details about Institutionalizing ethics in AI through broader impact requirements. | BibTeX data for Institutionalizing ethics in AI through broader impact requirements. | DOI (doi.org/10.1038/s42256-021-00298-y)
Forecasting the governance of harmful social media communications: findings from the digital wildfire policy Delphi
R. Edwards A. Webb H. Housley W. Beneito−Montagut R. Procter and M. Jirotka
In Policing and Society. 2020.
Details about Forecasting the governance of harmful social media communications: findings from the digital wildfire policy Delphi | BibTeX data for Forecasting the governance of harmful social media communications: findings from the digital wildfire policy Delphi | DOI (doi.org/10.1080/10439463.2020.1839073)
Fair navigation planning: A resource for characterizing and designing fairness in mobile robots
Martim Brandao‚ Marina Jirotka‚ Helena Webb and Paul Luff
In Artificial Intelligence. 2020.
Details about Fair navigation planning: A resource for characterizing and designing fairness in mobile robots | BibTeX data for Fair navigation planning: A resource for characterizing and designing fairness in mobile robots | DOI (doi.org/10.1016/j.artint.2020.103259)
Why we trust dynamic consent to deliver on privacy.
Schuler Scott A. Goldsmith M. Teare H. Webb H. and S. Creese
In Trust Management XIII.. Vol. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology‚ vol 563. 2019.
Details about Why we trust dynamic consent to deliver on privacy. | BibTeX data for Why we trust dynamic consent to deliver on privacy. | DOI (doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-33716-2_3)
Communication Practices for delivering health behaviour change conversations in primary care: a synthetic review and thematic synthesis.
H. Albury C. Hall A. Syed A. Ziebland S. Stokoe E. Roberts N. Webb and P. Aveyard
In BMC Family Practice. 2019.
Details about Communication Practices for delivering health behaviour change conversations in primary care: a synthetic review and thematic synthesis. | BibTeX data for Communication Practices for delivering health behaviour change conversations in primary care: a synthetic review and thematic synthesis. | DOI (doi.org/10.1186/s12875-019-0992-x)
Human Centred Computing approaches to embed Responsible Innovation in HCI.
Webb H. Jirotka M. Inglesant P. and M Patel
Details about Human Centred Computing approaches to embed Responsible Innovation in HCI. | BibTeX data for Human Centred Computing approaches to embed Responsible Innovation in HCI. | Link to Human Centred Computing approaches to embed Responsible Innovation in HCI.
Assessing augmented reality in production: remote−assisted maintenance with HoloLens
Vorraber W. Gasser J. Webb H. Neubacher D. and P Url
Details about Assessing augmented reality in production: remote−assisted maintenance with HoloLens | BibTeX data for Assessing augmented reality in production: remote−assisted maintenance with HoloLens | Link to Assessing augmented reality in production: remote−assisted maintenance with HoloLens
A study of Cyber Hate on Twitter with Implications for Social Media Governance Strategies
Procter R. Webb H. Jirotka M. Burnap P. Housley W. Edwards A. and Williams M.
Details about A study of Cyber Hate on Twitter with Implications for Social Media Governance Strategies | BibTeX data for A study of Cyber Hate on Twitter with Implications for Social Media Governance Strategies | Download (pdf) of A study of Cyber Hate on Twitter with Implications for Social Media Governance Strategies
Harnessing interdisciplinarity to promote the ethical design of AI systems.
Patel M. Webb H. Jirotka M. Davoust A. Gales R. Rovatsos M. and A Koene
Details about Harnessing interdisciplinarity to promote the ethical design of AI systems. | BibTeX data for Harnessing interdisciplinarity to promote the ethical design of AI systems. | Link to Harnessing interdisciplinarity to promote the ethical design of AI systems.
A responsive engagement approach to promote the development of ‘fairer’ algorithms.
Webb H. Davoust A. Rovatsos M. Patel M. Koene A. and M Jirotka
Details about A responsive engagement approach to promote the development of ‘fairer’ algorithms. | BibTeX data for A responsive engagement approach to promote the development of ‘fairer’ algorithms. | Link to A responsive engagement approach to promote the development of ‘fairer’ algorithms.
Exploring Communal Technology Use in the Home
I. Kraemer M.J. Flechais and H. Webb
Details about Exploring Communal Technology Use in the Home | BibTeX data for Exploring Communal Technology Use in the Home | DOI (doi/10.1145/3363384.3363389)
Human−robot relationships and the development of responsible social robots.
Webb H. Jirotka M. Winfield A.F.T. and K Winkle
Details about Human−robot relationships and the development of responsible social robots. | BibTeX data for Human−robot relationships and the development of responsible social robots. | DOI (doi.org/10.1145/3363384.3363396) | Link to Human−robot relationships and the development of responsible social robots.
Lab Hackathons to Overcome Laboratory Equipment Shortages in Africa: Opportunities and Challenges
L. Webb H. Nurse J.R.C Bezuidenhout and M. Jirotka
Details about Lab Hackathons to Overcome Laboratory Equipment Shortages in Africa: Opportunities and Challenges | BibTeX data for Lab Hackathons to Overcome Laboratory Equipment Shortages in Africa: Opportunities and Challenges | DOI (doi.org/10.1145/3290607.3299063)
Cybercrime Investigators are Users Too! Understanding the Socio−Technical Challenges Faced by Law Enforcement.
H. Nouh M. Nurse J.R.C. Webb and M Goldsmith
Details about Cybercrime Investigators are Users Too! Understanding the Socio−Technical Challenges Faced by Law Enforcement. | BibTeX data for Cybercrime Investigators are Users Too! Understanding the Socio−Technical Challenges Faced by Law Enforcement. | DOI (doi.org/10.14722/usec.2019.23032)
A governance framework for algorithmic accountability and transparency
R. Koene A. Clifton C. Hatada Y. Webb H. Patel M. Machado C. LaViolette J. Richardson and D. Reisman
Details about A governance framework for algorithmic accountability and transparency | BibTeX data for A governance framework for algorithmic accountability and transparency | Download (pdf) of A governance framework for algorithmic accountability and transparency
Can video−based qualitative analysis help us understand user−algorithm interaction?
M. Webb H. M. & Patel
In Proceedings of the 32nd International BCS Human Computer Interaction Conference (HCI 2018). 2018.
Details about Can video−based qualitative analysis help us understand user−algorithm interaction? | BibTeX data for Can video−based qualitative analysis help us understand user−algorithm interaction?
GP delivered brief weight loss interventions: a cohort study of patient responses and subsequent actions‚ using conversation analysis in UK primary care.
Albury C . Stokoe E. Ziebland S. Webb H. and Aveyard P.
In British Journal of General Practice 68 (674): e646−2653. 2018.
Details about GP delivered brief weight loss interventions: a cohort study of patient responses and subsequent actions‚ using conversation analysis in UK primary care. | BibTeX data for GP delivered brief weight loss interventions: a cohort study of patient responses and subsequent actions‚ using conversation analysis in UK primary care.
Work in Progress: Multi−Stakeholder Dialogue for Policy Recommendations on Algorithmic fairness
M. Webb H. Koene A. Patel and E.P Vallejos
Details about Work in Progress: Multi−Stakeholder Dialogue for Policy Recommendations on Algorithmic fairness | BibTeX data for Work in Progress: Multi−Stakeholder Dialogue for Policy Recommendations on Algorithmic fairness
"It would be pretty immoral to choose a random algorithm” Opening up algorithmic interpretability and transparency.
M. Webb H. M. Patel M. Rovatsos M. Davoust A. Ceppi S. Koene A. Cano
Details about "It would be pretty immoral to choose a random algorithm” Opening up algorithmic interpretability and transparency. | BibTeX data for "It would be pretty immoral to choose a random algorithm” Opening up algorithmic interpretability and transparency.
UnBias: emancipating users against algorithmic biases for a trusted digital economy.
M. D. A Koene A. Dowthwaite L. Lane G. Webb H. M. Portillo V. & Jirotka
Details about UnBias: emancipating users against algorithmic biases for a trusted digital economy. | BibTeX data for UnBias: emancipating users against algorithmic biases for a trusted digital economy.
Are We There Yet?: Understanding the Challenges Faced in Complying with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Sirur S. Nurse J.R.C. and Webb H.
Details about Are We There Yet?: Understanding the Challenges Faced in Complying with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) | BibTeX data for Are We There Yet?: Understanding the Challenges Faced in Complying with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) | DOI (doi.org/10.1145/3267357.3267368)
Membership categorisation and antagonistic Twitter formulations
R Housley W. Webb H. Edwards A. Procter and M. Jirotka
In Discourse & Communication. 2017.
Details about Membership categorisation and antagonistic Twitter formulations | BibTeX data for Membership categorisation and antagonistic Twitter formulations
Editorial responsibilities arising from personalisation algorithms
M. Koene A. Perez Vallejos E. Webb H. Patel M. Ceppi S. Jirotka and D. McAuley
In Orbit. 2017.
Details about Editorial responsibilities arising from personalisation algorithms | BibTeX data for Editorial responsibilities arising from personalisation algorithms
Nuance‚ Societal Dynamics and Responsibility in Addressing Misinformation in the post truth era
H Webb and M Jirotka
In Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition. 2017.
Details about Nuance‚ Societal Dynamics and Responsibility in Addressing Misinformation in the post truth era | BibTeX data for Nuance‚ Societal Dynamics and Responsibility in Addressing Misinformation in the post truth era
Editorial responsibilities arising from personalisation algorithms
D Koene A.; Perez E. ; Webb H. ; Patel M. ; Ceppi Sofia; Jirotka Marina; McAuley
In Proceedings of CEPE/ETHICOMP 2017. 2017.
Details about Editorial responsibilities arising from personalisation algorithms | BibTeX data for Editorial responsibilities arising from personalisation algorithms
Digitizing Sacks? Approaching social media as data
M Housley W. Webb H. Edwards A. Procter R. and Jirotka
In Qualitative Research‚ Special Issue: Qualitative Methods and Data in Digital Societies. 2017.
Details about Digitizing Sacks? Approaching social media as data | BibTeX data for Digitizing Sacks? Approaching social media as data
Authority as an Interactional Achievement: Exploring Deference to Smart Devices in Hospital−Based Resuscitation
Patel M. Hartswood M. Webb H. Gobbi M. Monger E. and M Jirotka
In Computer Supported Cooperative Work. 2017.
Details about Authority as an Interactional Achievement: Exploring Deference to Smart Devices in Hospital−Based Resuscitation | BibTeX data for Authority as an Interactional Achievement: Exploring Deference to Smart Devices in Hospital−Based Resuscitation
Algorithmic fairness in online information mediating systems.
M. Koene A. Perez Vallejos E. Webb H. Patel M. Jirotka M. Ceppi S. Rovatsos and G Lane
Details about Algorithmic fairness in online information mediating systems. | BibTeX data for Algorithmic fairness in online information mediating systems.
Algorithmic Fairness in Online Information Mediating Systems
Lane Koene Perez Ceppi Rovatsos Webb Patel Jirotka
Details about Algorithmic Fairness in Online Information Mediating Systems | BibTeX data for Algorithmic Fairness in Online Information Mediating Systems
The ethical challenges of publishing Twitter data for research dissemination
B.C. et al Webb H. Jirotka M. Stahl
Details about The ethical challenges of publishing Twitter data for research dissemination | BibTeX data for The ethical challenges of publishing Twitter data for research dissemination
Digital Wildfires: Propagation‚ Verification‚ Regulation‚ and Responsible Innovation
Helena Webb‚ Pete Burnap‚ Rob Procter‚ Omer Rana‚ Bernd Carsten Stahl‚ Matthew Williams‚ William Housley‚ Adam Edwards and Marina Jirotka
In ACM Trans. Inf. Syst.. Vol. 34. No. 3. Pages 15:1–15:23. April, 2016.
Details about Digital Wildfires: Propagation‚ Verification‚ Regulation‚ and Responsible Innovation | BibTeX data for Digital Wildfires: Propagation‚ Verification‚ Regulation‚ and Responsible Innovation | DOI (10.1145/2893478) | Link to Digital Wildfires: Propagation‚ Verification‚ Regulation‚ and Responsible Innovation
“I’ll suggest that to your doctor”: Managing interactional restrictions to treatment provision in secondary care obesity consultations
Webb H.
In Chevalier F. and J. Moore, editors, Institutional constraints in interaction. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 2015.
Details about “I’ll suggest that to your doctor”: Managing interactional restrictions to treatment provision in secondary care obesity consultations | BibTeX data for “I’ll suggest that to your doctor”: Managing interactional restrictions to treatment provision in secondary care obesity consultations
Digital Wildfires: a challenge to the governance of social media?
B. et al. Webb H. Jirotka M. Carsten Stahl
In Proceedings of the 2105 ACM Web Science conference. 2015.
Details about Digital Wildfires: a challenge to the governance of social media? | BibTeX data for Digital Wildfires: a challenge to the governance of social media?
Digital wildfires: hyper−connectivity‚ havoc and a global ethos to govern social media
B. et al. Webb H. Jirotka M. Carsten Stahl
In Computers and Society 45(3)‚ 193−201. 2015.
Details about Digital wildfires: hyper−connectivity‚ havoc and a global ethos to govern social media | BibTeX data for Digital wildfires: hyper−connectivity‚ havoc and a global ethos to govern social media
The Problem With ‘Problems’: The Case of Openings in Optometry Consultations
W. Webb H. vom Lehn D. Heath C. Gibson and B.J.E. Evans
In Research on Language and Social Interaction 46‚1‚1−19. 5th Feb 2013. 2013.
Details about The Problem With ‘Problems’: The Case of Openings in Optometry Consultations | BibTeX data for The Problem With ‘Problems’: The Case of Openings in Optometry Consultations
Engendering response: professional gesture and the assessment of eyesight in optometry consultations
vom Lehn D. Webb H. Heath C.C. and W. Gibson
In Symbolic Interaction 36‚2‚137−158. 13th May. 2013.
Details about Engendering response: professional gesture and the assessment of eyesight in optometry consultations | BibTeX data for Engendering response: professional gesture and the assessment of eyesight in optometry consultations
Naturally occurring interactions and guidance codifications in healthcare communication analysis: the case of praising obese patients
H. Webb
In International Review of Social Research special issue on Health and communication 3‚2‚29−50. 2013.
Details about Naturally occurring interactions and guidance codifications in healthcare communication analysis: the case of praising obese patients | BibTeX data for Naturally occurring interactions and guidance codifications in healthcare communication analysis: the case of praising obese patients
Professional gesture in optometry: a case study of video−based field studies
vom Lehn D. Webb H. and Heath C
In Proceedings of the 26th BCS Human Computer Interaction conference. 2012.
Details about Professional gesture in optometry: a case study of video−based field studies | BibTeX data for Professional gesture in optometry: a case study of video−based field studies | Link to Professional gesture in optometry: a case study of video−based field studies
“I’ve put weight on ‘cos I’ve bin inactive‚ ‘cos I’ve ‘ad me knee done”: moral work in the obesity clinic.
H Webb
In Sociology of Health and Illness 31(6) 854−871. 2009.
Details about “I’ve put weight on ‘cos I’ve bin inactive‚ ‘cos I’ve ‘ad me knee done”: moral work in the obesity clinic. | BibTeX data for “I’ve put weight on ‘cos I’ve bin inactive‚ ‘cos I’ve ‘ad me knee done”: moral work in the obesity clinic.