Daniel Omeiza
Daniel is a postdoctoral research assistant at the Oxford Robotics Institute (ORI) and the Responsible Technology Institute, where he applies both quantitative and qualitative approaches in exploring explainability in robotic systems. He received a DPhil degree in computer science from the University of Oxford in the Human-Centred Computing group in CS department and the Cognitive Robotics group at the Oxford Robotics Institute. During his PhD, he leveraged explainable AI and behavioural science theories to develop interpretable techniques that generate intelligible explanations for automated driving decisions. These explanation techniques have been deployed within large projects like the SAX and the RAILS projects. A prototype was exhibited at the Goodwood Festival of Speed. His PhD research was generously funded by the EPSRC RoboTIPS project.
Selected Publications
Towards Accountability: Providing Intelligible Explanations in Autonomous Driving
Daniel Omeiza‚ Helena Webb‚ Marina Jirotka and Lars Kunze
Proceedings of the 32nd IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium. July, 2021.
Details about Towards Accountability: Providing Intelligible Explanations in Autonomous Driving | BibTeX data for Towards Accountability: Providing Intelligible Explanations in Autonomous Driving | Download (pdf) of Towards Accountability: Providing Intelligible Explanations in Autonomous Driving
Assessing and Explaining Collision Risk in Dynamic Environments for Autonomous Driving Safety
Richa Nahata‚ Daniel Omeiza‚ Rhys Howard and Lars Kunze
Details about Assessing and Explaining Collision Risk in Dynamic Environments for Autonomous Driving Safety | BibTeX data for Assessing and Explaining Collision Risk in Dynamic Environments for Autonomous Driving Safety | Download (pdf) of Assessing and Explaining Collision Risk in Dynamic Environments for Autonomous Driving Safety | Download (pdf) of Assessing and Explaining Collision Risk in Dynamic Environments for Autonomous Driving Safety
Why Not Explain? Effects of Explanations on Human Perceptions of Autonomous Driving
Daniel Omeiza‚ Konrad Kollnig‚ Helena Webb‚ Marina Jirotka and Lars Kunze
In Proceedings of the 17th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Robotics and its Social Impacts. 2021.
Details about Why Not Explain? Effects of Explanations on Human Perceptions of Autonomous Driving | BibTeX data for Why Not Explain? Effects of Explanations on Human Perceptions of Autonomous Driving | Download (pdf) of Why Not Explain? Effects of Explanations on Human Perceptions of Autonomous Driving | Download (pdf) of Why Not Explain? Effects of Explanations on Human Perceptions of Autonomous Driving