Katherine Fletcher
Katherine Fletcher
Katherine is the Coordinator of Cyber Security Oxford, the University-wide network of cyber security researchers and practitioners. She is happy to be the first point of contact for cybersecurity-related questions from within and outside the University: katherine.fletcher@cs.ox.ac.uk. She also administers the Computer Science Departmental Research Ethics Committee; email ethics@cs.ox.ac.uk if you'd like to learn more, or would like help with an application.
Prior to her current work, she was a Project / Programme manager largely based in Oxford, specialising in large-scale, multidisciplinary research projects spanning academia and industry. Recent experience includes managing research projects in biomedical/computer science (linking pharma industry and academia), open-source software development projects (academic data management) and cybersecurity (multiple business sectors and academia). In the Department of Computer Science, her projects included the Corporate Insider Threat Detection project, working with Professors Sadie Creese, David Upton and Min Chen, and partners in Leicester and Cardiff.
She also managed the EC-funded Virtual Physiological Human Network of Excellence and preDiCT projects, working with Denis Noble, Peter Kohl, David Gavaghan and Blanca Rodriguez (and partners from European academia and industry) and the Jisc-funded DataFlow project with David Shotton, David Wallom and Neil Jefferies.
In addition to her work at Oxford, Katherine also managed the ERC CardiONECT project at Imperial College London, and a large portfolio of projects in Peter Kohl's research group.
Katherine received a BA in International Relations from William Jewell College (Liberty, Missouri, USA; 2001), and an MA in Global Political Economy from the University of Sussex (2004).