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Pedro Porto Buarque de Gusmão : Publications

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  title = "RadarLoc: Learning to Relocalize in FMCW Radar",
  author = "Wei Wang, Pedro P. B. de Gusmao, Bo Yang, Andrew Markham, and Niki Trigoni",
  year = "2021",
  journal = "IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)",
  title = "DeepTIO: A Deep Thermal-Inertial Odometry with Visual Hallucination",
  author = "M.R.U. Saputra, P.P.B. de Gusmao, C.X. Lu, Y. Almalioglu, S. Rosa, C. Chen, J. Wahlstrom, W. Wang, A. Markham, and N. Trigoni",
  year = "2020",
  booktitle = "IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RAL) + IEEE ICRA",
  journal = "IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RAL) + IEEE ICRA",
  title = "Map-aided Navigation for Emergency Searches",
  author = "J. {Wahlström} and P. {Porto Buarque de Gusmão} and A. {Markham} and N. {Trigoni}",
  year = "2019",
  booktitle = "2019 15th International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (DCOSS)",
  issn = "2325-2944",
  keywords = "cartography;distance measurement;emergency management;emergency services;inertial navigation;iterative methods;Monte Carlo methods;particle filtering (numerical methods);position control;pattern comparison;professional firefighters;pseudoobservations;map errors;emergency searches;real-time positioning;emergency personnel;standard search patterns;fire-fighters;iterative closest point algorithm;inertial odometry;digital maps;map-aided navigation filter;sequential Monte Carlo solution;particle weights;Navigation;Firefighter localization;Indoor Navigation",
  month = "May",
  pages = "25-32",
  doi = "10.1109/DCOSS.2019.00027",
  title = "Sensor Fusion for Magneto-Inductive Navigation",
  author = "Johan Wahlström, Manon Kok, Pedro Porto Buarque de Gusmsao, Traian E. Abrudan, Niki Trigoni, and Andrew Markham",
  year = "2019",
  journal = "IEEE Sensors Journal",
  url = "",
  doi = "10.1109/JSEN.2019.2942451",
  title = "Distilling Knowledge From a Deep Pose Regressor Network",
  author = "Muhamad Risqi U. Saputra, Pedro P. B. de Gusmao, Yasin Almalioglu, Andrew Markham, and Niki Trigoni",
  year = "2019",
  journal = "IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)",
  title = "DeepPCO: End-to-end Point Cloud Odometry through Deep Parallel Neural Network",
  author = "Wei Wang, Muhamad Risqi U. Saputra, Peijun Zhao, Pedro Gusmao, Bo Yang, Changhao Chen, Andrew Markham, and Niki Trigoni",
  year = "2019",
  journal = "IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)",
  title = "Learning Monocular Visual Odometry through Geometry-Aware Curriculum Learning",
  author = "Muhamad Risqi U. Saputra, Pedro P. B. de Gusmao, Sen Wang, Andrew Markham, and Niki Trigoni",
  year = "2019",
  journal = "IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)",
  title = "GANVO: Unsupervised Deep Monocular Visual Odometry and Depth Estimation with Generative Adversarial Networks",
  author = "Y. Almalioglu, M. R. U. Saputra, P. P. de Gusmao, A. Markham, and N. Trigoni",
  year = "2019",
  journal = "IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)",
  title = ""Gabor filter based image representation for object classification."",
  author = "Rizvi, S.T.H.; Cabodi, Gianpiero; P. B. de Gusmao, Pedro; Francini, Gianluca.",
  year = "2016",
  journal = "IEEE International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT)",
  doi = "10.1109/CoDIT.2016.7593635",
  title = ""Loop detection in robotic navigation using MPEG CDVS."",
  author = "P.B. de Gusmao, Pedro; Rosa, Stefano; Magli, Enrico; Lepsøy, Skjalg; Francini, Gianluca.",
  year = "2015",
  journal = "IEEE Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP)",
  doi = "10.1109/MMSP.2015.7340871",
  title = ""Statistical modelling of outliers for fast visual search."",
  author = "Lepsøy, Skjalg.; Francini, Gianluca; Cordara, Giovanni; P. B. de Gusmão, Pedro.",
  year = "2011",
  journal = "IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME)",
  doi = "10.1109/ICME.2011.6012184",